
8K 495 39

They were on their way to the emergency call they had gotten not long ago. A local bakery had caught on fire, and there was supposedly people trapped inside.

"How are you feeling kook?" Jimin asked patting the boys shoulder from behind him, as the boy was sitting at the front along side Taehyung and Jin.
"I'm quite excited actually. I mean i'm worried for the people inside but i'm excited to finally start my dream" Jungkook smiled softly, looking at the helmet which was laying on his lap.
"Well we came to a  group decision that you will work alongside Tae and be one of the main fighters who goes into the fire and remember the surroundings while saving the people inside. We all prefer different things, so we kinda just stick to it. Obviously if you need more back up then we will go in and help but we all love our jobs so what do you say?" Namjoon smiled.

Jungkook gasped and looked at everyone's bright faces.
"I'd love that, but I'm honestly not fussed where I go. This is my dream, so just being able to experience it is enough. But I really appreciate you considering me" Jungkook thanked them.
"Thank god for that, I kinda like using the hose" Hobi snorted.
"Well i'm glad that's sorted, we're here" Jin announced.

Jungkook watched as everyone's face dropped into an emotionless face. Jungkook took a deep breath before getting out the truck. Taehyung noticed and leant down to Jungkook's level as the younger was slightly shorter than him.
"You've got this" Taehyung gave him a warming smile and grabbed Jungkook's helmet from his hands.
He placed it on the younger's head with care and strapped it up for him.
"Let's go soldier" Taehyung chuckled, and quickly turned back into work mode.
Jungkook nodded and walked next to him as they spoke to the policemen about what happened, while the rest sorted out the hoses and began to stop the fire.

After a few minutes the fire was mostly safe enough for the pair to go in. Taehyung and Jungkook ran towards the entrance and ran inside the building.
"You check this side and i'll do the other. Take note of everything just like your practice, any worries use the radio" Taehyung commanded.
"Will do" Jungkook nodded before they spilt ways, running off into different directions.

Jungkook noticed how the table and chairs were completely burnt, and the walls were soaked in black soot. He made his way to the kitchen area and noticed that black gas was being let off. If he hadn't had the kit he had on, he was adamant that he would have passed out in a few minutes. He powered through, taking notes as he did so. Till finally he heard a banging noise. Jungkook ran over to a steel door which had burn stains littered all over it.

"Help" Jungkook heard a cry, which was scratchy showing they had been screaming for a while.
He was quick to open the heavy door and saw two people sat in the freezer, shivering with burns on their arms.
"Thank god" a middle age woman cried.
"Okay i'll get you out of here in no time, please pass me your jumper" Jungkook asked the young male who was on the floor.
The man threw the jumper and Jungkook quickly ripped the sleeves off.
"Tie this around your mouth, there's a gas leak and it'll block the fumes" Jungkook quickly spoke.

They did as they were told and Jungkook quickly guided them out.
"I have two people with me, make sure paramedics are ready with oxygen masks" Jungkook radioed in to his colleagues, before pulling the two people out of the building safely.
However as he passed the gas leak again, it had gotten worse, and he knew the building was about to explode. It was spilling onto the hob which was on, making the fire turn blue. He looked around and noticed Taehyung wasn't out yet.
"Oh shit" Jungkook ran back in once he knew the other two were safe and went the way Tae went.

He ran past different areas and saw the silhouette of a body through the thick smoke.
Jungkook ran to him, grabbing Taehyung's arm and pulled him out the building. They sprinted out the front door.
"Everyone get back" Jungkook screamed, making everyone jump back to safety.
Jungkook felt Taehyung wrap his arms around Jungkook's smaller body and hold him tight so that Tae's back was facing the building.
In seconds the whole bakery exploded, the heat just missing Taehyung's back.

The pair stumbled slightly from the impact. While the rest of the fire crew got back to putting out the intrusive fire. Jungkook took off Taehyung's helmet even though the elder was still clinging onto him. He threw it to the side and took his own one off. Taehyung was quick to dig his head into Jungkook's neck making Jungkook blush. Jungkook patted the boys back unsure what to do, and wondering why the elder was hugging him so tight.

"Are you okay hyung?" Jungkook squeaked out, not really wanting him to stop the hug.
"Thank you" Taehyung rasped out.
The elder wasn't crying, but he was surely freaked out. Jungkook could tell that he must have been frightened over the fact that he could have gone up in flames if it hadn't of been for Jungkook. So Jungkook brought his hand up and patted the back of Taehyung's head softly,
"Don't think about what if, it didn't happen. You're safe and that's all that matters okay. We go into the fire, always having the fear that we might not make it out alive, but we did. No man is left behind" Jungkook spoke soothingly.

Taehyung pulled away and looked at Jungkook with soft eyes.
"Thank you" Taehyung smiled, and let go of Jungkook when he realised he had been holding onto the boys waist for a while.
"You don't need to thank me okay" Jungkook smiled, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach.
"Tae, Kook, let's make a move" the pair heard Namjoon yell to them.
"Okay" Taehyung yelled back, his voice much deep and less soft.
"Come on, let's go" Taehyung smiled, picking up their helmets and walked to the truck.

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