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Their chief sent them home after and gave the week off knowing it was tough and he could tell just by looking at Jungkook that it was traumatizing. Although the others didn't actually go into the building, it doesn't mean they still weren't as traumatized. They witnessed people jumping from the burning building, falling to their death as they had the option of jumping to their death or burning to death, so some took the other option. The chief wanted to give them a mini break before having to work again, because emergencies like these are emotionally exhausting. He also offered them free therapy if any of them were to experience any ptsd (post traumatic stress disorder.)

They all went home in silence, all 7 of them, complete silence. In their own homes it was dead silent. Once Tae and Jungkook were home, they trudged into their penthouse, with Jungkook holding onto Tae's hand for dear life.
Taehyung bit his bottom lip to stop a small sigh from escaping. It was pretty much dark outside, and they hadn't eaten anything since the morning.

"Koo" Tae called as he threw his keys in the bowl.
"Hm" Jungkook replied with only a small hum.
"Why don't you try taking a shower while I make some food for us" Taehyung suggested.
"...Sure" Jungkook slowly, unwantedly let go of Tae's hand.
He only agreed because he felt like he was being a burden to Tae. He was scared that Tae was thinking he was being to clingy and too dramatic. So he complied. As much as he didn't want to part with the boy, he agreed nevertheless.

He kept his eyes on the ground as he walked up the stairs to their bathroom. He walked in unsteadily and walked to the shower turning it on. Jungkook's head switched to the sound of the hose when the firemen were trying to put out the fire of the building. While he waited for the worst nightmare which he wasn't ready for.

Without knowing, Jungkook entered the shower with his clothes fully on. He sat down on the floor and let the cold water fall onto his body. His head began to hurt and his heart began to ache. The visions of the burnt faces flashed through his head like quick snapshots on repeat all at a quick speed. It got so much Jungkook let out a loud scream before bursting into tears as he held his wet strands hair, yanking his head back and forth, trying to get the images to stop.

Tae was down stairs making some noodles for the two, but was caught off guard when he heard a loud scream from upstairs. Tae quickly turned off the stove, and ran from what he was doing. He bolted upstairs and to the bathroom as he heard the shower on. He ran into the room to witness Jungkook repeating 'stop' under his breath continuously. While rocking back and forth, yanking his hair crying, also being fully dressed with the cold water running.

"Fuck" Tae muttered running towards him.
He turned off the cold water and got into the shower with the boy as it was very roomy. He took the boys hands away from the younger's head and held them in his own.
"Shhh baby" Tae called, hushing the younger's repetitive mutters.
Jungkook looked up with wide eyes when he saw Tae.

"I-i'm so sorry Tae. I'm trying, I don't want to be a burden. I'm so sorry, I can't do this. I can't stop seeing their faces" Jungkook cried, tears falling down quickly.
"Shhh baby, i love you okay. You would never be a burden to me. Today was scary and terrifying, and you have every right to be scared baby. Lean on me as much as you want, i'm your boyfriend" Tae lifted the boys arms up and picked him up.
Yes the boy was soaking wet but he didn't care, he cared about getting the younger to feel safe.

He grabbed some fresh towels from the side and carried the younger into their room.
"We need to get you warm otherwise you're going to get sick" Tae patted the boys back, before placing one towel on the bed.
He placed the younger on the towel and wrapped another around him. He slowly let go of Jungkook so he could get some fresh clothes for the boy but Jungkook became panicked and his eyes grew as Tae left his touch.

Tae looked at him and caressed the boys face.
"Baby, i'm not going anywhere. I'm getting us clothes and then we can eat and snuggle okay" Jungkook slowly nodded with a shaky sigh.
Tae leant down and pressed a long sweet kiss on the younger's forehead, letting his lips linger for a minute before leaving. He grabbed two shirts, a jumper and two pairs of joggers. He came back, and saw the relief on Jungkook's face when Tae held his hand.
"Are you okay with me undressing you?" Tae asked gently, pushing the boys hair back.
Jungkook nodded straight away and helped the elder by lifting his arms up weakly.

Tae undressed the younger fully and helped dry him with the towel before dressing him in warmer clothes. He pushed on the jumper as the younger was under the cold water for a while so he wanted the boy to warm up quicker. He brought the towel up to Jungkook's head and ruffled his hair with the towel to get the water droplets out. He then quickly changed and dried himself and shoved the towels in the basket.

"You need to eat something baby, you haven't eaten in hours" Tae pulled the younger's hood up to keep the warmth in.
Jungkook let out another small sigh and nodded.
"Come on then" Tae picked the boy up once again, and felt the younger wraps himself around him.
Jungkook held him with his sweater paws and rested his head on the elders shoulder.

He walked them downstairs and placed the boy on the counter. He poured the noodles into a bowl and grabbed chopsticks. He stood between the boys legs and brought the noodles up to the younger's lips. But he wasn't opening his mouth.
"Please Koo, I need you to eat something, just a few bites" Taehyung pleaded.
Jungkook thought and then opened his mouth and began to eat.

When they were all done, Tae carried him back and they hugged on the bed. It was too early to sleep so they decided to watch a relaxing film to try and distract their minds.

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