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Jungkook and Taehyung were walking around the fairground, with their fingers entwined tightly.
"Where do you want to go first?" Taehyung asked, watching how Jungkook's eyes darted from side to side, taking in his surroundings.
"I-i'm not sure, why don't we go on one of the big rides?" Jungkook asked, pointing at a few of the hug rides in front of them.
"Okay sure, let's go to that one" Taehyung pointed at the huge rollercoaster in front of them.
Jungkook nodded and they walked towards the small queue.
Thankfully it was a school day, meaning all the queues for the rides were very short, and the place wasn't very busy at all.

"That was amazing" Jungkook cheered as they walked away from the rides with goofy smiles on their faces.
"It sure was, my stomach is all over the place" Taehyung chuckled.
"Well let's go to the arcade part to give your stomach a rest, I really don't want to clean your sick" Jungkook giggled, pulling Taehyung along towards the arcade part of the fairground.

They went to the first claw machine which was full with different plushies. Taehyung shoved some coins into the machine and began to attempt to get one of the plushies. Jungkook was helping him by going to the side of the machine and helped the boy.
"Does that look good?" Taehyung asked.
"Yeah, go for it" Jungkook clapped, watching the elder press the button.
Taehyung watched as the claw picked up the big, pink bunny plushie. It brought it to the box and dropped it in.
"Oh my gosh, you did it!" Jungkook squealed.
Taehyung smiled and grabbed the huge plushie, giving it to younger.
"Have it, I won it for you" Taehyung winked with a chuffed smile showing on his lips.

Jungkook's eyes glistened with happiness, when he watched Taehyung pass the plushie to him. Jungkook grabbed the large plushie and jumped onto him.
"Who would have thought that the almighty fire fighter could be so excited over a plushie hm" Taehyung laughed, petting the boys head softly.
"Well I'm a sucker for plushies" Jungkook giggled hugging the plushie close to him body.
"Looks like i'm going to have to be getting you a few more plushies in the future then" Taehyung winked and pulled the boy along to some of the other arcade games.

"Are you hungry?" Taehyung asked, hearing the younger's stomach let out a little growl.
"Yeah" Jungkook flushed red in embarrassment.
"Okay let's go, I'm starving" Taehyung chuckled, taking them to the food court.
"What do you want koo?" Taehyung questioned, as they walked past different food courts.
"Hm I'm craving cheesy fries"
"Oh my god I haven't had cheesy fries in years, i'm so down" Taehyung agreed and they walked around finding the truck which had cheesy fries.

They walked up to a food van and Taehyung pointed to a place where the two could sit at. Jungkook went to sit down on the bench while Taehyung ordered the food. He sat down on the bench, sitting in front of the boy, as they waited for the food to arrive.
"Are you having fun?" Taehyung asked looking at the younger with a small glint of happiness.
Jungkook rested his cheek against his hand, and smiled.
"So much fun, you've really helped me and made me feel so much better. Thank you hyungie" Jungkook smiled, studying the elders face with pure love.
"I'll always be here for you" Taehyung brought his hand up and caressed the younger's cheek softly.

Not long later a waiter came out with their order.
"Here you are, two cheesy fries, do you want anything else?" He asked, looking at Taehyung with seductive eyes.
"No thanks" Jungkook stared at the waiter.
"I wasn't asking you" the waiter rolled his eyes making Jungkook gasp under his breath.
Taehyung frowned at the bitterness of the waiter towards Jungkook.
"Can you not talk to him like that" Taehyung spoke almost professionally.
"W-who me?" the waiter stuttered nervously, not wanting to look at the boy straight in the eye.
"Uhm yeah, I wouldn't be talking like that to my date now would I" Taehyung codly chuckled, knowing that the waiter was embarrassed.

Although his job was saving people, he was still a human and did experience emotions. So it was clearly obvious that the waiter was trying to grab his attention, which definitely wasn't working. Taehyung was head over heels for Jungkook, he wasn't going to mess it all up now.

"Don't you have other people to serve?"Taehyung asked pointing at the queue of people outside the food truck.
"i-uh yeah, can I get your number?"
"Didn't he just say he was with his date?" Jungkook huffed in annoyance.
Taehyung chuckled and stood up.
"Come on let's go, we can go sit somewhere else" Taehyung announced making Jungkook nod.
They picked up their belongings and left the waiter which was very angry.

Jungkook was following behind the elder, with a pout on his lips. Taehyung turned his head and chuckled, reaching his hand back for the younger to grab. Jungkook took hold of the elders free hand and held it tight.
"Don't pout over the waiter, you've still got me" Taehyung smiled brightly, making Jungkook once again blush furiously.
"Ah shut up" Jungkook hit the elders arm playfully.

Once the two are their food, they did a few other games and went on a few more rides. The day was drawing to an end and the sun was setting. Taehyung told Jungkook that he wanted to do one last thing before they left to go home. Taehyung was pulling the boy along email they finally stopped in front of the ferris wheel.
"It looks so cool" Jungkook gasped.
"It'll look even more cool when we get on it. The sky looks so pretty, so it will look amazing at the top" Taehyung exclaimed and dragged the younger to the short queue which was forming.
They waited patiently for their turn till finally they both got into one of the carriages.

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