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Jungkook woke up early from the baby crying. Subin had already turned 9 months old, and was growing day by day. She had developed many habits, and the baby was very clingy, more clingy than a usual baby which didn't make things easy but they tried their best to cope.

She cried a lot when either one of her parents were out of sight, but luckily Jungkook was still on maternity leave and will be for the next 2 months. It was a worry for Jungkook that the girl would cry every time she couldn't see him but he knew that at the end of the day they'll figure something out when the time came.

Jungkook whined as he woke up and saw the time which displayed 3:08 in bright white glow. He looked over and saw Tae in a deep sleep. The elder had gotten back from a late shift not too long ago, maybe an hour or so. Due to this he wanted to let the boy sleep as much as he could, so he quickly went to his daughter to hush her cries before she woke Tae up.

He carefully got out of bed and walked out the room. Jungkook tiptoed into his daughters nursery which was opposite their bedroom and walked in. He shut the door behind him and turned on the light.
"Shh hey baby binie" Jungkook hushed the child, walking towards the crib where Subin was laying on her back crying.
She looked at her mama and stretched out her arms, making small fists. Jungkook smiled and picked the girl up into his arms. Ever since the day she was born she continuously throws her arms in the air meaning she wants to be carried, Jungkook thought it was a rather sweet habit which she had picked up.

"Why are you crying so early in the morning. Did you have a nightmare? Or did you miss your parents? Are you hungry? Do you need your nappy changed?" Jungkook kept asking questions which of course she wasn't going to respond to.
He checked the baby's diaper and it was still clean. He realised that Subin never wants to be fed so early in the morning, ruling that one out. Then when Subin has a nightmare she usually wails and thrashes around, so again he ruled that out, meaning all he could think of was that she missed him.

"Hmm I think you missed mama and papa. Let's bring you to bed and we can sleep a little more with papa" Jungkook grabbed her small blankie which Seung had given Subin when she was first born, and she had became very  attached to the small teddy so much that she couldn't sleep without it.
He turned off the lights and walked out the door and back into the bedroom. Subin made a few noises making Jungkook bounce her softly to quieten her down.

He got into bed and laid down next to his husband. Tae let out a small whine and searched for the boy. Jungkook giggled knowing that Tae was still fast asleep yet he knew Jungkook wasn't right beside him. Tae wrapped and arm over Jungkook's stomach and pulled him closer making him squeal in surprise. Tae let out a content sigh and pressed a kiss on Jungkook's cheek before heavy breathing again in his slumber. Jungkook jokingly rolled his eyes and turned his attention to his baby.

Subin had her small arms wrapped around the front Jungkook's neck loosely while her head rested against his shoulder. Her blankie was clasped tightly in one of her hands as she drifted off to sleep. Jungkook smiled, and brought one arm to the younger's lower back to support her and then the other was wrapped around Tae, as his fingers threaded through the elders hair, knowing Tae liked it. Before he knew it he fell asleep with his arm wrapped around Tae and his child.


Tae woke up hours later, moving around with a small groan. He moved his face to the side and slowly opened his eyes. He looked up and saw his daughter wriggling around on his husband's chest who was sleeping peacefully. Tae chuckled and caressed the baby's cheek softly. Subin whipped her head around and saw her papa looking straight at her. She smiled widely and began wriggling to Tae, making Jungkook stir softly. Tae gasped and quickly pulled Subin off the younger's to chest and placed her on his own.

She sat on his chest with a bright smile, and began bouncing with small giggles. Tae quietly chuckled and held her tiny wrists with his fingers so she didn't fall. He also tried to calm her laughs so she didn't wake her mama up but her giggles where so enduring and addictive, he didn't want her to stop.

Jungkook stirred in his sleep again, and shuffled closer to the elder, placing his face into Tae's shoulder. Tae turned his head and pressed a kiss onto the raven's head before resting their heads together. His daughter stopped bouncing and instead flopped forwards. Tae looked at her with a surprised face and had wide eyes but a bright smile when she placed her small hands on his cheeks, pushing them softly, making small creases in his skin.

"G'morning" Jungkook whispered before releasing a loud yawn startling the baby, but she quickly burst into giggles and blabbed a few noises while looking at his mama.
"Good morning baby" Taehyung lifted his arm up and wrapped it around Jungkook, caressing his shoulder, and kissed the younger's forehead.

He looked back at Subin and saw her pouting.
"Does Binie want kisses from papa as well?" Taehyung asked moving forward and pressed small kisses on her forehead making her giggle. Jungkook smiled tiredly and opened his eyes to look at the moment.
"Did she wake you up early?" Taehyung asked his husband softly.
"Hmm 3, but it wasn't long and I think she just missed us" Jungkook giggled softly. "Do you have work today?" Jungkook questioned as he couldn't remember with a foggy mind due to just waking up.
"Yeah bub I have it in an hour, are you going to be okay?" Taehyung asked.

"Of course hyungie. I miss work so much, but I love looking after Subinie of course, but still I miss the action" Jungkook sighed.
Tae moved Subin off his chest and in between them so Tae could face his sweet husband.
"I know baby, but you're doing an amazing job, just look at her, we're so lucky hm" Tae smiled as they both looked at the child who was waving her arms and feet around with a smile.
"We sure are" Jungkook smiled before kissing Tae's cheek. "I'll go make you breakfast"

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