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They got to the top of the ferris wheel and the two soaked up the surroundings.
"It's stunning" Jungkook gawked, as he was stunned by the sunsets.
"It sure is" Taehyung chuckled looking at the sky before looking at the boy next to him.
Jungkook turned to face Taehyung and noticed how the boy was fairly close to him. Taehyung nervously brought his hand up to the younger's cheek, as they stared at one another. As they inched closer, Jungkook subconsciously licked his lips.
"Can I?" Taehyung asked as he hovered in front to the younger's face.
"Please do" Jungkook whispered, his breath hitching.

They gently shut their eyes, and pressed their lips together. Taehyung took control of the kiss as Jungkook was inexperienced, but he tried his best. Jungkook tilted his head softly, making their noses brush against one another. Their lips curved into small smiles as they pulled away from the sweet kiss. They both let out small laughs and rested their foreheads together.
"Will you be mine?" Taehyung muttered breathlessly.
"Definitely" Jungkook smiled, kissing the elders nose softly.

Jungkook rested his head on Taehyung's shoulder with pink dusted cheeks. They watched the sunset together, feeling weight lift off their shoulders. The feeling they both had locked deep inside of them had finally come out and were finally able to embrace it. Jungkook had an arm circled around the elders arm while the other one held his hand, which rested on his thigh.

Once they got to the bottom of the ferris wheel, Taehyung helped the boy out the carriage safely and they walked away with their hands laced together while Taehyung held the plushie he won for the boy in his other arm. Taehyung was about to speak up but he was cut off by two alerts going off from different phones. Taehyung and Jungkook grabbed their phones out of their pockets and saw that they were needed for an emergency at the station.

"Looks like our date was cut short" Taehyung sighed.
"Come on this is our life, and the date was the best. Now let's go, work calls" Jungkook pecked the elders cheek before they ran through the fairground to Taehyung's car.
Taehyung drove them to the station and quickly ran in.
"Finally you're both here, we've got an emergency at a shopping centre" Jin said rushing towards their changing station.
They both nodded and quickly got dressed as well before they all jumped into the fire truck to go to the shopping centre.

"On our free day, I barely got over my hangover" Jimin huffed in annoyance, holding his head in pain.
"Well that's your fault for drinking so much last night, you were chugging them shots so fast I don't think it even hit your mouth, it just went straight down your throat" Namjoon teased.
"Whatever at least I can drink like a boss, I mean look at Tae, he gets drunk by drinking only one beer!" Jimin stuck his tongue out.
"Fork off Jimin" Taehyung grumbled turning his head away from him.

Jungkook was watching them all with a silly grin on his face, loving how close they were. Taehyung watched the boy and held the younger's hand.
"What are you smiling about hm?" Taehyung asked placing his face right in front of the younger's.
Jungkook was caught off guard and began blushing from the close proximity of his boyfriend.
"N-nothing" Jungkook nervously smiled, a little less bright this time, but he was still smiling.
"hm didn't look like nothing" Taehyung questioned with a pondering face.
"Shut up, you're making me nervous" Jungkook pouted hitting Taehyung's arm playfully.
"Okay okay" Taehyung laughed, holding his hands up in surrender.

He turned around and noticed everyone looking at them with smirks, other than Jin though as he was driving.
"W-what? Yah why are you staring?" Taehyung whined.
"Where else are we supposed to look when we are watching some sort of film?" Jimin smirked.
"So would you like to explain what the hell is going on? We have missed a huge chunk of whatever is going on with you two" Hobi screeched.
Taehyung turned his head to look at Jungkook, who was flushing a bright red. Jungkook placed his head on the elders shoulder and nodded.

Taehyung turned back to his friends, and smiled.
"We are dating" Taehyung beamed.
"Holy shit the loner boy has done it" Yoongi gasped along with the rest of them.
"Congrats guys" Jin smiled happily.
"Chim you better pay up" Hobi smirked.
"You mean to say you had a bet on me?" Taehyung turned around and looked at he boys sitting behind him.
"Yeah when Jungkook went to your house we made a bet on it, whether you'd date in the future or not" Hobi explained clapping happily.
"Fine i'll pay you later" Jimin rolled his eyes and huffed.

"Okay guys we are here" Jin laughed briefly before everyone put their game faces on.
They all rushed out of the van and got to work. Taehyung and Jungkook ran into the building trying to find were the fire was. They heard a few high pitch screams, which made them run faster. They saw smoke coming from a few shops away, the noticed it was a cafe. Jungkook saw workers standing to the side so he quickly ran to them.
"Is there a door outside?" Jungkook asked.
"Yeah but you can only open it from the inside. But you can easily get around the back on the outside for a fire engine"
"Okay thanks, is there anyone trapped inside?" Jungkook then asked.
"No sir, everyone managed to get out"

He quickly ran to Taehyung who was trying to calm people down.
"You're a quick runner, you need to tell the others that there is enough room for them to drive around the back. There's a door which can only be opened on the inside, so i'll do that, while you run to the others okay. We don't have our radios so we can't tell them"
"Are you going to be okay?" Taehyung asked worriedly.
"Of course, just run" Jungkook quickly pecked the elders lips before putting his helmet on.
"I'll be quick" Taehyung yelled as he began to sprint.

Jungkook took a breath, and grabbed the fire extinguisher. It wouldn't be enough for the fire to go but it'll be able to clear the path. He began walking through, dodging the fire the best he could.
"Only 30 more seconds" Jungkook told himself as he saw the door in the distance.
He ran through and threw himself to the door, trying to open it. He knocked it a few times before he shoved through, and the door opened.

As soon as the door opened, he ducked down, knowing the fire and oxygen would create a massive wave of heat. He crawled away while keeping the door open, and saw the others ready with the hose, blasting water through the door, till the fire had gone.

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