
7K 406 23

"Fuck what do I get him" Jungkook pouted, not knowing what to get Tae for his birthday.

He scanned the different shops till he came across a jewellery shop. He waddled into the store and looked around, looking at the different necklaces, rings, bracelets. He really wanted to get a couples thing, but it's not easy finding pretty jewellery which can withstand 100 degrees C on a daily basis. He looked around for a little while till he spotted a dog tag necklace on display. He thought about it and thought it would be cute if he made them personalised and decided to buy two. They weren't anything too fancy and wouldn't strangle them if they were to wear it under their uniform. Even though they wouldn't be great in heat, it wouldn't be too delicate that it would be upsetting if it got somewhat ruined a bit.

He took them to the machine which automatically engraves your chosen words onto the necklaces. Jungkook placed the necklace into the machine and typed out what he wanted the necklace to have on them. Once he finished the two dog tags making them matching, he took them to the till and paid for them. He left the shop and looked around at other places. He looked in a clothes shop and looked at the hoodies and picked out 3 which were quite oversized. Both him and Tae loved wearing oversized things when they are lounging around, so he decided to get a few more for the elder.

He then went to the supermarket and picked up everything he needed, including a birthday cake, some other presents for him, and birthday treats. He checked out and went home, carrying 6 backs. When he got back, it was completely silent meaning Taehyung was still asleep. So he took his chance to hide all the birthday decorations, treats and presents he had bought. He then packed the rest of the shopping away and began making dinner.

When it was safe to leave the food on the hob he went to their bedroom and opened the door. He turned on the light and saw Taehyung hugging his pillow tight, while his face was smushed into it. Jungkook smiled and walked over, sitting on the bed next to him. He moved the pillow and guided Taehyung's head to his lap. Thankfully the guy was a heavy sleeper meaning he didn't stir when his head was moved, instead he nuzzled his nose into Jungkook's thigh. Jungkook smiled softly and caressed the elders cheek softly.

Jungkook sat there just staring at the elder, tracing his features with his fingers. Till he saw the clock knowing that the food was finished.
"Taetae, time to wake up" Jungkook kissed the elders cheek repeatedly.
He pressed kisses all over the elders face and a few on his lips.
"Wake up hyungie, dinner is ready" Jungkook whined, patting the elders face softly attempting to wake the elder from his deep deep slumber.
Taehyung moved about, lightly smacking his lips. He let out a small groan before hugging the younger's legs tight in a bear hug.
"Yah Taehyungie" Jungkook shook the elder till finally the boy woke up, and his eyes opened up, meeting the younger's cute pout he was showing.

"Morning" Taehyung yawned, stretching out, hearing a few bones click, pushing up an arm and tickled the younger's chin.
Jungkook let out a goofy laugh and wriggled off the bed, making Taehyung's head hit the mattress with a soft thud.
"It's evening, and dinner is ready, so freshen up quickly and come to the table" Jungkook walked out of the room making Taehyung sigh from tiredness as he rolled out of bed.
He had a big stretch, before lazily walking out the room and towards the kitchen.
"It smells so good" Taehyung hummed and walked to the younger, wrapping his arms around him, sniffing the air happily.
"Hmm get off me, go sit down, you're like a baby koala" Jungkook whined which Taehyung responded with a hmph.
"Fine, but i'm your very handsome koala" Taehyung winked before going to sit down at the table.

Jungkook dished up the food on two plates and brought it to the table. Taehyung's stomach released a gurgling noise as the food was placed in front of him.
"You must be really hungry" Jungkook giggled, as he shoveled some pasta on the fork and brought it up to the elders lips.
Taehyung ate from the fork and gasped when all the flavours his his mouth at once.
"That's actually incredible" Taehyung clapped, before taking his own fork and ate the food up.

When they finished cleaning the dishes after they ate. Tae made his way to the couch. He laid straight covering the whole seat, and searched for a movie to watch. Jungkook finished in the kitchen and went to the elder. Tae didn't see the boy, as he made a small pout seeing there was no where to sit. But it was quickly discarded when he flopped directly on top of Tae, so their chests were touching, their arms and legs were entangled together.

Tae moved his head to the side so he could see the younger's face more clearly after feeling the small warmth of the younger's breath hit his cheek faintly. Tae chuckled at the boy and placed a small kiss to his lips.
"What are we watching?" Jungkook asked, snuggling into the elders warmth.
"The purge?" Taehyung questioned.
"Sounds good" Jungkook nodded, squishing his cheek further into the elders chest.

Time passed and the couple were sitting on the couch cuddling, while watching another movie on the screen. Taehyung was busy munching on the popcorn with one hand, which he had kept stashed away in the back of the cupboards for a while. Jungkook was laying on the sofa in the foetus position, resting his head on the elders lap, feeling Taehyung's other hand run through his hair, and caressing his cheeks softly. It was times like these the couple treasured the most, as they weren't called for the front line duties, and were able to properly rest.

Taehyung had finished the bag of popcorn, and had wiped his fingers on a wet wipe. When his fingers were fully clean he placed the hand on the younger's head and massaged the boys scalp softly. Jungkook moved his head in a more comfortable position, and continued to watch the movie, which was long forgotten about.

"Baby" Taehyung called out softly, when the movie had finally come to an end, but he got no response.
"Koo baby" Taehyung called again, but was quickly caught off guard when he heard light snores emit from the younger.
Taehyung focused on the boy, and watched how his chest moved up and down slowly, letting out small breathes.
Tae chuckled softly and slowly moved the boys head off his lap. He stood up steadily and took the boy into his arms. He carried him from the sofa to their room and tucked the boy into bed, before getting into bed himself and fell asleep.

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