Chapter 1

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"Everly, you're going to be late!" I hear dad shout from the bottom of the stairs.

"5 more minutes." I uselessly mumbled. It's not like he can hear me but it's the effort that counts. Right?

"Come on baby you gotta get up. You don't want to be late on your first day." Athena said as she pulled the covers away from my face.

Woah shocker, Athena and Ben?! Totally didn't call it at 4.

"Come on Thena it won't be any different from the other first days." I grumbled as I stuffed my head into my pillow.

"First days are always important. No matter how much of a repeat they are." She said as she playfully rolled her eyes and pulled me out of bed just for me to fall back into it.

"I hate you sometimes." I grumbled.

"I love you too." She said with a giggle as she kissed my forehead and walked out of my room.

I throw my covers off my bed and rolled out of bed landing on my soft carpet. I closed my eyes and laid on the floor like a starfish.

2 more minutes won't hurt.

"Payback." I heard a voice whisper in my ear immediately making me bolt right up. My heart was ready to leap right out of my rib cage and land on the floor in front of me.

"Daaaddddd you can't do that!" I whined as I felt my heart rate slow down.

"Like I said before you little devil, payback." He said as he walked over to my window and opened the curtains.

"Payback for what? I didn't even do anything this time. Wait? Did I?" I asked confused as I walked into my closet.

"Payback for all the times you woke me up early for Christmas, to take you with me to work, snow days, birthdays, any holiday, or just because you were bored." He teased as I rolled my eyes.

"Haha very funny." I grumbled as I dug through my closet for an outfit.

"We're leaving in 20 minutes. Please be ready by then." He said as he walked out of my room and down the stairs.

I quickly ran to my bathroom, washed my face and brushed my teeth. Thankfully, I took a shower last night so I could sleep in for an extra 15 minutes. Trust me, every second counts!

Anyway, I closed my door and locked it before changing into a pair of jeans and a tight white top. I put on some gold necklaces, my rose bracelet Max gave me for my fifth birthday, and my promise ring dad gave me.

He gave me a ring the day he married Athena and promised me that I'll always be first no matter what. I'll have to admit, when dad first told me he was planning on proposing to Athena I got jealous. In my defence, I was 7 years old and was afraid the only father figure in my life would leave me and move on to have a family of his own. I didn't talk to him for a full two days and avoided him as much as possible. I had the others tuck me in at night, I stayed in my room before and right after every meal, and I didn't even catch him up on all the school gossip. That was when he reminded me that however old I get, he'll always be there. I'm his number one girl. They got married 3 years after he proposed to her. It was the cutest thing ever!

Anyways, they've been married for seven years now. Seven! I can't believe it's been so long. He's also become the chief of surgery at NY Press, stole Richards job. Just between you and me, Richard is way better at being the boss. People are way to scared of Ben.

"It's chilly outside so don't forget your jacket." He shouted from the kitchen.

I picked up my black jacket along with my backpack and ran downstairs careful not to trip over any of the twins toys.

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