Chapter 32

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What's the word where the weather matches your mood? Pathetic fallacy? That it. Right now the weather is as horrible as it can possibly get matching my mood entirely. Trees are being blown so hard by the harsh wind that their trunks may just snap like twigs. The wind blowing like no tomorrow and could quite literally blow people to the other side of the world. It could just be me but I swear I can feel my house shaking, as though it's an Alice in wonderland type of situation. I would actually prefer being there than here right now because right now I'm stuck at home with the one person I haven't spoken to in two days. Mason Gregory Black.

Just a little background info. Dad was already super cautious of the weather since nine in the morning. He tried his hardest to clear his day to stay home with me but his job is to literally save the lives of people that are being affected by this weather right now. So I forced him to leave after promising I'd call my friends over. Now, the problem is almost all my friends were unavailable because they're quite literally in different countries, thousands of miles away or simply cannot make it because of how dangerous it is.

Noah is in Canada, Max is in Florida, Holly is at Kade's, my brothers are all at work along with my sister in laws. Now, you must be wondering why I haven't mentioned Mia and Mason. Well, that's because if I called Mia then Mason would also be here and that would definitely not help the situation I'm in. The ignoring streak I have going on. Yes, it's pathetic and childish but the stubbornness I have in me overtakes that by miles.

I can go days, weeks even, without talking someone. It gets to a point where I make myself feel stupid for even exaggerating the situation for so long but then my pride gets in the way and I'm reminded of what exactly happened even though it may not even seem like a big deal anymore.

Anyway, that of course didn't work because dear old dad of mine didn't trust that I would actually call someone and made a couple phone calls instead. Mia was at the hospital with Kelly since she applied for a voluntary program which we were supposed to do together. Before my accident of course. After a lot of convincing she agreed to go without me, she shouldn't have to be dependent on other people to do something she looks forward to. To a certain extent of course. I'm not saying she should hang out by herself because that would definitely be very awkward.

As I was saying before I got distracted...again, dad spoke to Kelly and discovered Mason was actually not very far from my house and could make it before the storm gets in. So he did exactly that. He called Mason and asked for him to stay over till the storm passes by and Mason being the considerate, kind, helpful person he is, agreed. Much to my dismay. Well, actually not really. But he'll never know that.

Fast forward to the situation right now. I've spent the last hour making phone calls to every single person in my contacts checking the see if they're okay and not on the roads. The chances of someone getting into an accident right now is extremely high, and I don't want anyone to be hurt. I spent longer convincing my brothers to stay where they were and not come to me because I was too scared a tree would literally fall on them, or their car would be blown off the road and into the ocean. They are valid reasons!

"You hungry?" Mason asked just as I hung up on Holly. Shaking my head, I pulled the blanket closer around me to protect myself from the cold. The power went out because of the rain that's probably flooding the streets right now. So we've been sat on the couch with a pile of blankets trying to stay warm. "How long are you going to ignore me for?" He asked frustratedly as I glanced in his direction in surprise. I definitely expected him to bring it up but not right now. Don't ask why because I'm not too sure myself.

Grabbing my crutch, I stood up from the couch while throwing the blankets off of me before hobbling over to the kitchen with Mason hot on my tail.

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