Chapter 15

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Mason ended up spending the night last night and so did Mia since Mason was too paranoid. I don't blame him though because I know my brothers would be the same if not worse. The three of us had a lot of fun making forts with the twins and helping Athena make dinner and also cookies afterwards. Dad and Kelly also called as much as they could to make sure we were all okay, but because of the weather and the countless amounts of accidents caused, their hands were more than full.

"Good morning kids." Athena grinned as she set breakfast down on the dinning table before handing me a stack of plates to put out.

Mason and Mia yawned before taking a seat opposite each other making me burst out laughing at their tired faces. I'm surprised I wasn't joining them and falling asleep myself considering I had another sleepless night.

"How'd you sleep baby? Your room light was on for ages." Athena frowned as she sat down next to me.

"I was watching Grey's again, I must've forgotten to switch my light off." I said as she gave me a look saying she didn't believe me yet chose not to ask anymore questions. I mean, it's not a complete lie because I did watch Grey's all night, I just chose to leave out why.

"The storm last night caused a lot of damage, schools closed till they can fix everything up. Oh and Ben and Kelly should also be here soon. Your dads car got hit by a tree. It does not look pretty." Athena told us.

"At least they're not hurt, right?" I asked as she nodded and cut up the twins food for them with Mia's help.

"Thanks for having us over guys." Mia smiled gratefully as she dug into her breakfast.

"Don't worry about it kids, you're welcome to stay anytime." Athena said with a smile as Mason could hardly keep himself awake.

"Mason you're supposed to eat with your mouth, not your whole face." I snorted as his eyes snapped open and looked around the room to find the twins giggling at him while I tried my best to hold my laugh in.

"I'm not a morning person." He grumbled before letting out a loud yawn and dug into his breakfast.

"Neither am I, and I won't be in roughly 20 minutes." I said as I could slowly feel the tiredness seep in. My hour nap from yesterday clearly wasn't enough to keep me running for the next day. I mean, it makes sense, but still.

Once the six of us finished our breakfast, Mason offered to wash up and quickly dashed to the sink before Athena had any time to protest and started washing up.

"I'll do the drying." I volunteered. With the help of Mia, Athena took the twins up to their room to get them cleaned up and ready for the day. Mia's like a secret weapon when it comes to those two, crushes are a blessing in disguise. Sometimes.

The two of us tiredly did the washing up letting out occasional yawns. There's no way I'll make it through the day. Literally zero chance and I know it. I'm surprised I haven't collapsed to the floor and fallen asleep.

Once we were done, we made our way to the living room and flopped on the couch. Picking up the tv remote, I switched on Netflix and continued where I left off last night, or this morning.

"Greys?" He asked as I nodded and turned up the volume before handing him a blanket and wrapping one around myself. "Never seen it." He yawned as my head immediately snapped in his direction and gave him a look of absolute disbelief.

"You make me sick." I glared as he gave me a strange look before rolling his eyes.

"We're watching it from the beginning and I'm going to make sure you watch the entire 18 seasons with me." I demanded as he chuckled before nodding his head in agreement.

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