Chapter 55

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Shaking my head for the hundredth time in the last five minutes, I forced myself awake as I listened to Jules drone on about Shakespeare and how inspirational and meaningful his words were when talking about how cold it was. Since Mason is my only friend in this class, I was pretty much left alone with my thoughts. The other option would be learning stuff that I already know and that has a higher chance of putting me to sleep.

"C...can I g...get a pen p...please?" Someone asked from besides me as my head shot up from the desk and snapped in his direction. The kid look startled and turned red as I grabbed my pen and handed it to him with a wide smile on my face.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." I apologised as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and shook his head.

"'s okay." He smiled as I nodded and turned back to the front.

Usually Mason sits next to me in every one of our lessons, but since he won't be here for another few days I'm stuck by myself in most of my lessons. It's a full nine hours without him and it's like I've got separation anxiety or something. The clinginess is real.

"E...Everly, I w...was h...hoping m...maybe we could h...hang out s...some time?" He asked nervously as I internally awed at how adorable he was.

"Of course we can, we can invite my friends too. They're really nice." I grinned.

"O...oh, I m...meant as a" He asked as his cheeks burned bright red in embarrassment.

"Oh, I'm sorry but I have a boyfriend. We can still hang out as friend though!" I proposed as he shook his head before scurrying down the hallway and disappeared into the large sea of students before I had the chance to apologise again. I know how hard that must have been for him and the poor kid just got let down.

Sighing, I rushed over to my locker and put most of my books in there before slamming it shut. I scanned the hallway to see if any of my friends were around, but much to my luck there wasn't a single person I knew among the hundreds of people. Great.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and pulled my jacket tighter around me while squeezing through the large amount of people trying to leave the building. I was being thrown into multiple directions by the jocks and basically anyone taller than me. I let out an annoyed huff as I took in a deep breath and bulldozed my way through. I heard a bunch of people curse from behind me, but I simply ignored them. I finally reached the double doors and walked right out before inhaling the fresh air.

A lot of students were either gone, at a sport practice, detention, or lurking in the parking lot. Thankfully, most of them had already gone making it easier to search for my ride. It was when I couldn't spot a single familiar car when I simply wanted to throw myself in the middle of the road.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see zero text messages or missed calls from anyone. Well then, it seems as though I'm the centre of no one's attention today. Great.

Instead of calling someone like I usually would have done, I put both my AirPods in and began my walk home. The walk from school to home was fairly long since it took a good forty five minutes, however today I'm going to spend the next forty five minutes with me myself and I and enjoy the walk home.

I let the music blare in my ears, successfully drowning out the noise of cars and people talking. I was left in a world by myself and right in this very moment, I'm not complaining.

The cold wind nipped at my skin, but the more I walked the less it bothered me. I liked having the wind blow in my face like a huge breath of fresh air. I looked around and took my time to really notice the streets of New York onto your grown arms every nook and corner I looked in. There were too many homeless people cuddled together trying to warm up. There was a small fire in front of them as they had ripped old blankets around them.

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