Chapter 23

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Mason's POV:

I've spent majority of my life hating the idea of relationships, marriage, couples, and everything else that had anything to do with love. I always promised myself that I'd never fall in love and do that to myself. I've seen it destroy people and the last thing I want to do is become what I hate. Imagine my surprise when a certain green eyed brunette enters my life and makes me question myself.

"Mason we need to leave." Her voice squealed as she pulled my arm and started running towards the exit as the security guard chased us.

A little recap, it's mums birthday tomorrow and I haven't gotten her a gift yet. Usually I leave the gift getting to Mia and just give her money, but this year she's left me alone and made it into a competition instead. Whoever gets the best gift wins. Anyway, Everly and I were shopping but I got sidetracked with thanksgiving decorations. Back in England we don't have thanksgiving so I may or may not have gotten carried away with the human turkey dancing outside the foot course. And I also may or may not have pissed off the human turkey by popping the air out of its costume.

"I...think...we've lost him." She gasped as she leaned against the wall to catch her breath. "We almsot got caught because of you." She chuckled as she lightly shoved me while walking to my car.

"But we didn't." I shrugged as I opened the door for her and watched her get in before closing it.

"Dad said he can get Kelly in for a couple of hours tomorrow." She said as she put the three gift bags on the floor in front of her while I reached over to put her seatbelt on.

"Can you just put the damn thing on?" I huffed as she unbuckled the belt and blocked it from me with her head.

"No can do." She snorted as I rolled my eyes knowing I won't be winning this debate no matter how many times I try. She's been in my car countless amounts of times and I still can't get her to put her belt on.

"Do you think we'll win?" I asked slightly nervously considering Mia is an expert when it comes to mum.

"Of course we will, we got Mia's help whether she knows it or not." She laughed as she messed with the radio till a song she knows came up.

"She's going to be so pissed." I chuckled as we stopped at the red light and watched light snow flakes fall on the wind shield. Despite me telling her too many times to count that she didn't need to get mum a gift, she decided to ask Mia and got one anyway.

It's only November and it's already snowing. It's probably the one of very few things I like about living here. In England we hardly got snow, it either never settled or it melted the next day because of the rain leaving and icy mess.

"Can we stop at Central Park?" She grinned as I nodded before taking a left, away from her house and towards Central Park. "It's going to look so pretty with the snow." She said excitedly as she pulled her phone out and took pictures of the road in front of us. I've noticed how she takes pictures and videos of almost everything and anything. I bet she's got pictures of me I don't even know exist, that's how often her phone is out.

We soon made it to Central Park considering the heavy traffic and snow making it impossible for us to even drive the speed limit, but we managed to get here in one piece. She slipped on her boots that she took off earlier so they could dry, and skipped ahead of me leading the way to what I assume is her spot.

We've been here so many times these last few weeks that I could walk there with my eyes closed. I'm not complaining though, the scenery is peaceful and the smile on her face gets brighter each time.

"Why do you do that?" I asked as I watched her take more pictures as we arrived at the clearing.

"Memories. I want to be able to have my kids and grandkids all sitting around me while I show them what I got up to when I was their age." She smiled as she sat down and stared at the almost frozen pond in front of us. "When I was a kid, I'd always make 'vlogs' on my any phone I could find and I'm pretty sure they've got them saved somewhere." She laughed.

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