Chapter 54

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Thankfully Mason and I weren't kept at the hospital for longer than a couple hours. Kelly and dad were both anxiously waiting for us once we arrived and rushed us through to a room for two people. They conducted a million and one tests and scans before they were convinced that we were both luckily fine and not as severely injured as we could have been.

I had a minor concussion from when I hit the back of my head on Mason's car, one large scratch on my upper arm, and minor scratches and bruises from the broken glass around us. Since Mason had selflessly taken almost all the impact, his injuries were a lot more extensive but thankfully not too much. His bullet wound had reopened, he had a lot larger cuts on his arms and head, and he also broke two ribs. I guess it's safe to say he's missing two weeks of school. Lucky. I can't believe how selfish he is, I know for a fact he took the fall so he could miss school and rub it in my face.

The police of course got involved considering it was a literal explosion but they came to the conclusion that someone gas tank was leaning and a lit cigarette had set the entire thing off. There's no way Annabelle would have stupidly not found a cover story for herself and covered her tracks. I refuse to believe the second someone hits Mason's car with a note that is literally signed by her, an explosion happens barely seconds later and that too not very far away from us.

Unfortunately there's nothing much I myself can do considering the situation, but that doesn't mean my brothers aren't. Especially Elijah. After the phone call, the six of them rushed over to the hospital and stormed into our room. If that wasn't enough, all our friends including Mia bursting in just moments later topped it all off. I guess it's safe to say my uterus renter was given the name of Annabelle for a reason. The similarities between her and the creepy doll are uncanny.

"I'm still mad at you." I huffed as Mason rolled his eyes and shoved fries in my mouth to shut me up. "I think I've got PTSD from McDonald's." I mumbled as I chewed on the fries before taking more.

"Remind me why you're mad again?" He asked with an amused look as I pressed pause and turned to face him.

"Because you're an inconsiderate, disrespectful, and a horrible person. Did you not once think of how I would feel? It's like you say you love me but you don't really mean it, Mason. Because if you did then you wouldn't have said what you did." I said as I wiped a tear and crossed my arms.

"Why are you crying, my love? I don't even know what I said!" He exclaimed as the tears fell down my cheeks a lot faster.

"You're just making it worse! How can you just make it seem so irrelevant. My heart is literally breaking and it's all your fault!" I sobbed as he shuffled closer and wrapped his arm around my shoulders before pulling me to his chest. "I'd get it if it was someone else, but I didn't expect it from you of all people! How could you just call miraculous a childish show for kids?! Do you not realise the damage your words cause? Words hurt Mason! Especially those words." I cried as he gently stroked my hair as I grabbed multiple tissues from the box and wiped my eyes.

"Are you done crying?" He asked softly as I nodded and sniffled. "Do you need your hot water bottle?" He asked after a few moments of silence as I nodded my head once again.

"They love each other so much and they don't even know it! I can't believe she disregarded him like that the entire time and he still stuck by her." I cried once again as the last episode of season four came to an end.

Before I knew it, a hot water bottle was being pressed against my stomach dulling the harsh pain that was there earlier. It's not pretty being injured and then having Aunt Flo come for a visit. It's like the worlds out to get me.

"I'm sorry I called your show childish, why don't we watch it all over again from the start for the second time?" He asked as I nodded and wiped my nose.

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