Chapter 20

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The week slowly but surely past by with a blur with thankfully zero interactions with David. Excluding Mondays incident. Elijah had his team make this their top priority and try to at least find a lead, even if it was a small one. They tried finding accomplices, visits from anyone during his time in prison, friends he might have made, or anything remotely dodgy. Unfortunately they didn't find anything leaving them no choice but to move on to more important cases. I did feel slightly guilty knowing these guys could've saved a lot of other people while wasting their time on me, but at the same time I was glad something was being done about it, it wasn't being completely disregarded like I had thought it would be.

"Earth to Everly." Candace called as I was pulled out of my own world and back to what was going on right now. Everyone decided to meet up at Bella and Candace's apartment and just hang out before Halloween tomorrow. Mia and Mason were also supposed to come but ended up cancelling last minute to spend time with their mom.

"I'm here I'm here." I laughed as she rolled her eyes and handed me a bottle of beer. "You know I don't drink Candace." I reminded her as she gave me a sheepish smile before moving it away from me.

"Sorry sorry, I keep forgetting." She apologised before putting it on the small table besides her and picked up the TV remote before passing it to me.

"My turn already?" I asked surprised as everyone nodded their heads and patiently waited for me to chose a movie. Every time Bella, Nate and Candace come to visit, we have one movie day and night at their apartment. If it's Halloween, we'll spend as much of the twenty-four hours we can watching scary movies. The same rule applies for Christmas.

I put on 'The Conjuring 3' before sitting back and pulling my legs up on the couch to get comfortable. Everyone was busy watching the movie but no matter how hard I tried, my mind was elsewhere.

"You sure everything's good?" Max asked from besides me as I gave him a small smile and simply nodded.

"I'll probably head home soon, I don't think I'm up for staying awake all night." I whisper laughed as he rolled his eyes and handed me his bowl of popcorn.

Halfway through the movie I felt my phone buzzing in my hoodie pocket. I would've totally missed it if it wasn't in my pocket because of how high the volume was. I took my phone out of my pocket and left the room before answering it.

"What time do you want me picking you up troll?" Aiden asked as I heard the loud music blare through the phone. "Put that shit down Max." He grumbled angrily as the music immediately disappeared from the background making me laugh.

"In about an hour." I laughed. I can practically see him rolling eyes.

"Hello bella." I heard Alessandro say through the phone. His Italian accent very prominent considering he's spent the last entire year there helping his dad out with their family business. Yes I know you're all going to say the mafia, and I won't lie and say I didn't think the same thing, but trust me it's nowhere near the mafia.

"It's Everly, Aless." I joked as I sat on the counter in the kitchen.

"Oh shush you know what I mean." He chuckled as Max and Aiden continued arguing in the background.

"I'm going back to my movie, bye guys." I giggled before hanging up and walking back to the living room before sitting back in my previous seat.

The movie progressively got more boring and absolutely crushed my hopes. I had very high expectations for this movie, I thought it would be top tier, nightmares for months scary, but it wasn't even jump scary! Let's not forget to mention the two couples among us that couldn't help but keep their hands on each other. Gross!

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