Chapter 56

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"...and Aiden started crying because he got into trouble and I didn't. He thought he was being so clever but let me tell you, tears are a powerful thing kid. If you ever want to get out of something, just start crying." I snorted as Hayden started laughing.

"Daddy said you used to be a real bully when you were a kid." He giggled as I rolled my eyes.

"He just exaggerates. I was an angel! All I used to do was give them make overs, make them do whatever I wanted, and prank them." I shrugged as he rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Just like Val! I hate the make overs, they make us look so ugly." He huffed.

"Hey! Don't do you dare say that to Val or you'll hurt her feelings. If you pretend to love it then she'll be really happy." I told him as he nodded. "Are you warm?" I asked as he nodded and wrapped his arms around himself while I wrapped mine around him.

We've been here for god knows how long, but judging by the single beam of moonlight shining through the tiny window just inches away from the ceiling, it's been around at least two hours since the sun went down meaning it's at least 8:00. I got home at around 4:00, Mason and I ate and spoke for another half an hour making it 4:30, chloroform knocks you out for around two hours making it 6:30, and it's been around two hours since they left so I'm guessing it's 8:42. Yes I added the extra twelve minutes just in case I'm a bit off.

Anyway, once they left us alone I looked around trying to find some way to escape. The door was locked shut and would not budge, and the only sort of window in sight was the one that was way too high up and way too small for anyone to fit through. The after effects of the chloroform hit me like a truck forcing me to sit down. I felt both nauseous and my head felt as though it was going to fall off my shoulders. All I wanted to do was sleep but I couldn't.

As the hours past, the damp basement grew colder and colder. Hayden's thin T-shirt was doing him no favours so I ended up taking off my...well Mason's sweatshirt and put it over him. He wore it like a dress as it reached just centimetres above his ankles and his hands barely made it halfway through the sleeves. He of course refused to take it till I literally forced him to put it on.

I was left in my short sleeve black top and sweatpants as I kept Hayden cuddled up with me in the corner of the room. I rocked him back and forth offering him as much comfort as I possibly could while keeping my guard up. They could barge in here at any second and do whatever they want and I need to be prepared.

"I'm sleepy Vee." Hayden yawned.

"Go to sleep, okay? I'm still here and I promise I'm not going anywhere." I said as I connected my pinky with his.

He relaxed in my embrace and closed his eyes. Soon enough, he was fast asleep. There's no point keeping him awake for no reason. He needs all the energy he can possibly get. God knows when the last time he ate was.

I'm not sure how much time exactly had passed by, but I was snapped out of my thoughts by the creaking of the door. My tired eyes snapped open as I felt my body immediately tense. I kept Hayden hidden away as the dark figure approached us.

They stood in the way of the moonlight revealing the ugly face of Lionel Payne. He really is ugly. He's got an overgrown beard, five chins, his hair looks like he's got fleas living in it, overall the homeless people I met earlier today look a million times better than him. No offence to them of course.

"You look sexy with that sweatshirt off, no wonder Mason's fucking obsessed with you. I'm surprised he hasn't fucked you and tossed you to the side." He chuckled as I scrunched my nose up in disgust and shuffled backwards hoping I'd just melt into the wall. "You must give it to him good." He said with a disgusting smirk.

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