Chapter 17

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The party was a blast. I can't believe how much fun everyone was having, especially the birthday twins. Max ended up so drunk he was eating mayo thinking it was a vanilla milkshake, and Noah got so drunk that he turned straight. He spent majority of the time after I stopped his alcohol intake flirting with Mia and I. He tried with Holly but Kade soon shut that down by pushing him in the pool.

When it was time for the cake I could tell by Max's face that he had the intention of literally ruining the cake and throwing it at everyone. I literally had to tie him to a chair to stop him from moving and ruining the cake. There is one rule I religiously live by, and that is wasting no cake no matter the circumstances.

It's now Sunday morning and dad is staying home today. He left Richard in charge while he stayed home to spend time with the twins. It's quite a common thing, he asks Richard to take over for one day every other week so he can catch up with the twins.

"You awake?" I heard dad ask as he poked his head through the small gap in my door. "I have to talk to you." He said as he closed my door and sat down on my bed as I switched my phone off, giving him my full attention.
"Hayley told me she saw him the other day." He started. I know exactly what this is about and I also know that I have no other choice but to listen. "I also know you haven't been sleeping properly all week. A bit of a downside for having your dad be a surgeon." He said seriously as I fiddled with my fingers unable to look at him. "Why aren't you sleeping sweetheart?" He whispered as he wrapped his arm around me. I simply shrug not wanting to give him something else to worry about. He's already got enough to deal with, I don't want to give him anything else.

"Don't worry dad, I'm fine." I told him, trying to reassure the both of us.

"I know you're lying, but I'm not going to push you for answers. I just came to let you know that I managed to get a restraining order. He's not allowed anywhere near you and if he is then he'll be seeing the inside of a prison cell once again." He reassured before kissing my forehead and leaving my room.

Letting out a loud sigh, I walked over to vanity and pull open the bottom drawer. I pick up the sealed letter before locking my room door and sitting on my bed.

To Everly Carter
From David Hollister

Yes, we kept our 'moms' surname instead of his. The only thing that will ever tie us to him is our DNA and that's all.

I don't want to open the letter. If I do then it becomes more real. Whatever's in there makes the situation more real. I could just ignore it and continue living my life, or I could open the letter and read whatever he's written. Let's be honest, my nosy and curious self can't not open the letter. Maybe I should give it to dad and let him deal with it. Or even give it to Elijah, it's kinda his job. Either way I won't know what it says.

After what felt like hours of debating, I ripped open the envelope and flipped open the folded piece of paper inside. Now there's no going back.

Dear Everlee

I know you're all grown up now and probably don't even need me, but that doesn't mean I don't need you. You're my daughter and the thought of being away from you all your life has been torture. I don't know what your brothers have said about me to you, but none of it's true. I've spent my time in prison thinking about everything and all I want to do is reconnect with my daughter. I know you're all grown up now, probably in college already. Give your old man a chance to change things. If you do decide to give me a chance, then I'll be waiting for you at Central Park on Halloween at 6pm.

Till then, your Father.

I can't help it. I burst out laughing.

I could feel tears running down my cheeks and stomach hurt so much simply from laughing so hard. There's so much wrong with this letter that I don't even know where to start. I need to start by stopping myself from laughing but I don't think that's happening anytime soon. The tears wouldn't stop rolling down my cheeks. The same man that claims to have been thinking about me the whole time he was in prison for both my age wrong, and the spelling of my name wrong. He also thought I'd agree to meet him too. He's funny.

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