Chapter 44

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"And you are?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as I carelessly propped my bow up on the table and rest my head on my hand. "You don't have much authority around here, so your involvement in this case is unnecessary. Go find a kids missing bike or something." I glared as the police officer in front of me slammed his fist down on the table and abruptly stood up making his chair fly backwards.

Elijah, dad and I have been at the police station for two hours this morning. We had an appointment with one of the senior officers but a sudden emergency forced him to focus his attention elsewhere. We weren't too fussed and waited for him to finish. That was until dad got a call from the hospital telling him his Jane Doe had woken up. He left me with Elijah and promised to be back as soon as he possibly could.

It wasn't long till another, a much younger, officer came up to us and lead us to a meeting room where he would start asking me questions before his boss came back. Elijah and I weren't bothered in the slightest with the questions he was asking till he showed his clear displeasure towards us. I had to forcefully grab Elijah's arm to stop him from assaulting the guy to begin with, but there's only so much someone can take.

"A piece of advice, when you're asking someone questions, don't just assume they're lying and call them a whore. Especially if the person is a seventeen year old girl." I snarled as as he clenched his jaw and stormed out of the room.

Before I could even blink, Elijah got out of his chair and stormed out the double doors right after him while I rolled my eyes and let out a loud, exaggerated, sigh.

Grabbing my crutches, I hobbled out of the room as fast as I possibly could to see Elijah sizing up the guy who was a good couple of inches shorter and skinnier than him. He wasn't a bag of bones, but compared to Elijah he was...small.

The police officers all jumped up to their feet with their hands on their holsters as my eyes widened in panic. It wasn't till Elijah rolled his eyes and flashed his FBI badge to the room of young cops who immediately sat back down and minded their own business. I guess it's a bit silly for police officers fresh out of...police camp to size up an FBI agent. Right?

"You're off this case and I'll make sure your senior knows all about it." I heard Elijah snarl as he let go of his collar and shoved him away. "Now, why don't you go find some kids bike." He mocked before walking over to me with a small smile on his face.

"Why don't we wait for him to come back while I make a phone call, yeah?" he said as I bit my lip and nodded my head.

The two of us walked back into the meeting room and sat down in the comfy swirly chairs. Elijah picked up his phone from the table and tapped a few buttons before holding his phone up his ear. He aimlessly paced the room while I looked away from him and down at my own phone to see a couple messages from my friends.

"Hey." I grinned as each of their faces popped up on the screen. Including my favourite one.

"Is the meeting over?" They all asked at the same time except Mason. I've noticed how he hardly ever speaks whenever he's on FaceTime, be it with me or with everyone together. During our routinely FaceTime calls at night, he listens to me go on and on about whatever comes to my mind while he simply sits and listens. He'll only then start talking when I'm completely done and have nothing else to say. However even then I'll still butt into whatever he's saying and add my own two cents. I need to stop talking.

"We're waiting for the senior officer to come back, he's like the big guy." I smiled as I flipped my camera around to show them Elijah who was talking on the phone while pacing the room while they snorted in amusement. "Elle isn't much help either." I huffed as I rubbed my slightly bloated belly while they all looked at each other in confusion except for Mason who let out a loud laugh.

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