Chapter 12

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The next morning came by quite quickly considering how early I slept. Usually on Fridays and Saturdays I sleep when people wake up, but last night I fell asleep at around midnight and everything that happened after we got in the car to go home was just hazy.

"You're awake?" I heard dad say as he peaked his head through my door. "Thena and I just got back from the hospital." He said as he fully opened my door and walked in before sitting on my bed and kissed my forehead. "Why are you up so early?" He asked.

"I was too tried last night." I yawned as I cuddled Mr Bananas with one arm and rubbed my eyes.

"What the hell?!" He suddenly said in absolute shock as he gently grabbed my arm and analysed the bruise. Shoot the bruise. "Who?" He said angrily before pulling his phone out and began typing with one had as he held my forearm with the other. I could hear my phone buzzing non stop and know for a fact that it's the family group chat.

"You were with Mason last night. Did he do this?" He asked angrily as he examined the bruise for the fifth time.

"No dad he didn't, we were playing a game and I slipped and hit my wrist on the kitchen counter. I would've called but it's not a big deal." I lied. Please believe it please believe it please believe it.

"And whose we?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, the anger still evident on his face.

"The Avengers. Tony rose from the dead just for me." I shrugged as Athena walked in with an ice pack and ointment. Why did I just upset myself by making that joke?

"Silly girl, you need to be more careful." She said as she frowned at the bruise and handed dad the ice pack before sliding into bed with me on the other side.

She pulled my head closer to her and let me lean on her shoulder as dad put my wrist on a cushion before placing an ice pack on top of it.

"Now, I'd like the truth please." He said softly. Come on Everly, you've got to stick to your story.

"I told you dad I slipped and hit my wrist on the counter." I told him as he gave me a blank look before getting up and leaving.

I turned to look at Athena who simply kissed my forehead and gave me a tight hug.

"You know how your dad is, he's very protective over you. Are you telling the truth sweetheart?" She asked as she adjusted the ice pack for me. "You know you can tell us anything." She said with worried eyes. They all probably assumed the absolute worst but I doubt they thought of what actually happened.

"Yeah I am." I said with a frown as she kissed my head once again before getting up and leaving my room. I let out a loud sigh before picking my phone up from my bedside table and unlocked it. My phone was still buzzing and I know exactly what they saying considering the fact that I'm literally reading all these messages from my notifications.

As I opened messages, I began typing a reply just as my phone started ringing. They're doing a group call, FaceTime too. Kill me now, make it quick and painless. Actually, I don't think dying is painless no matter how you do it. Right?

Answering the call, I set my phone up on a cushion so I didn't have to hold it and watched everyone's faces pop up on the screen as they all began talking at once.

"Show me your hand."

"You little liar what actually happened?"

"Do I need to get my team on this?"

"Why aren't you saying anything?"

"I won't hesitate using FBI privileges."

"I won't hesitate killing someone."

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