Chapter 18

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I'm not sure what time it is or what day it is, but all I know is my head is ready to fall off my shoulders or is it neck? You know when you're crying so much you fall asleep and then you wake up and your head literally feels like it's going to explode. Yeah that's the situation right now.

I roughly remember falling in and out of sleep and I swear I heard someone knocking on my door and talking to me as well but it was so muffled I didn't bother paying any attention to it.

I let out a loud groan as I opened my eyes and looked out my window to see it was already dark. I picked my phone up from the floor and immediately turned the brightness low, my eyes nearly melted.

2:38 in the morning.

How the hell did I sleep for 14 hours. You're lying. I literally have school in less than 5 hours. It's a good thing I was already wearing pyjamas, otherwise that would've been one uncomfortable sleep.

I got off my bed and unlocked my door before tiptoeing down the stairs and into the kitchen. The whole house is completely dark. Well it is two in the morning dumbass. Anyway, I opened the fridge and found a white box sitting there with a pink sticky note attached to it.

You're going to wake up at some point, so I saved your cake for you. I guarded it with my life. - Dad

A soft chuckle escaped my lips as I took the box out of the fridge along with a tub of vanilla ice cream from the freezer and grabbed a fork before sitting on a stool and dug in. I'm literally starving and I could eat just about anything right now.

While I ate my cake, I pulled my phone out from my pocket and scrolled through the countless notifications I had. How didn't I wake up? Surely my phone would've woken me up at some point considering how many messages are on here, let's not even include the hundreds of notifications I have from my games.

Text me when you wake up.
- Mason

Sent at 11:38 at night.

Should I reply? He'll be asleep anyway, he can reply when he wakes up.

Good morning.
- Everly

I set my phone down on the counter and continued eating my cake. I won't lie, it would've been so much better if I had eaten it at the restaurant with the white chocolate ice cream, but my stupid self decided to get all emotional. What a waste!

I put my fork down halfway through eating the cake and walked over to the pantry. What can I eat that won't require any washing of dishes? I really don't want to wash dishes at 3am. I really hate washing up at night, everything's so much louder.

Just as I was about to grab a pot noodle from the shelf, my phone rang. Should've put that on silent. I ran over to my phone and immediately silenced it before checking the contact. Mason? Answering his FaceTime, I sat my phone up against a tissue box and picked my fork back up just as his face popped up on the screen.

"What's up Gregory?" I asked with a mouthful of ice cream. I really wish it was white chocolate instead of vanilla.

"I can't believe you're awake right now. I thought you'd sleep through the night." He chuckled as I rolled my eyes.

"I think fourteen hours was enough." I shrugged. "Though I wouldn't mind nineteen hours. Now that's a dream come true." I sighed dreamily as he let out a loud laugh.

"Ben said you weren't feeling well." He stated. I know he doesn't believe it, he's not stupid.

"Yep, that's true." I lied as he gave me a bored look as I threw the empty box in the bin and placed my fork in the sink before picking up my phone and making my way back to the pantry. "What're you doing out at this time?" I asked as I noticed him sitting in his car.

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