Chapter 49

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Never in life did I ever think I'd be sat at a police station with Rachel and dad both on either side of me. Rachel here as my lawyer, arguing with Mr douchebag in front of us about how stupid and pathetic he is.

A little recap, Bruce called dad telling him how Ethan's family wanted to settle and have a conversation with us. Dad of course didn't want to do that and instead wanted to, and I quote, 'drag his ass to court'. However after speaking to an actual lawyer, Rachel, they decided that there is no harm in speaking to them. We can always decline their settlement and proceed to court if needed.

And that explains how we are here today. Dad, Rachel, Ethan, Annabelle, their lawyer Andrew, retired Bruce, and captain Bruce.

"Is Mr Paynes father going to be joining us?" Officer Bruce asked as Annabelle shook her head while sitting up straight.

"He's not in the state at the moment." She said with a smile as he nodded and turned to Andrew.

"Mr Thompson, I'll let you proceed." He said as Andrew nodded before standing up from his seat and sliding a piece of paper over to us.

Rachel took the paper and read over it before bursting into a fit of laughing.

"My apologies it must be the pregnancy hormones because this is bullshit." She laughed as she slid the paper over to dad who read over it before scoffing.

"If you've called us here to waste our time then I assure you, things will get ugly in court." Dad said as he put the paper down and leaned forward.

"I don't see what the issue is, this settlement favours you more than it favours us. We're being generous here." Andrew scoffed as he narrowed his eyes at Rachel who simply raised an eyebrow at him.

"Mr Thompson, your client assaulted my client both physically and mentally. He has not only left physical scars, but also emotional ones. Your settlement simply suggests that Mr Payne does community service for two months and walks away scot free. Did you really go to law school or has your employer picked you up from the streets? If so, let me inform you that assault can get your client from six months to a year in prison, along with community service and probation. Two months of community service is absolutely nothing considering he would be doing that anyway." Rachel said as she stood up and slid the piece of paper back to Andrew who was fuming. I could see the rage in his eyes.

"I'd like to speak to my daughter." Annabelle spoke up as I raised an eyebrow at her.

"And who exactly is your daughter? Has Ethan become a her?" Dad asked as Ethan clenched his fists.

"Everly Carter of course." She said with a smug smile as I rolled my eyes.

"She's right here in front of you, speak." Dad said with a threatening look making her back down, only slightly though.

"Alone. Id like to speak to her alone Benjamin." She said as she cleared her throat.

"My client will not be speaking to the opposing party without her lawyer and guardian present." Rachel said as I bit my lip. What could she possibly want to say to me?

"That's absurd, she is my child and I do not need permission to speak to her. Especially from either of you." She said angrily as she stood up from her seat making dad get up too.

"And how exactly is she your child? You've been gone for all seventeen years of her life. Every right you ever had vanished with you." Dad scoffed as she bawled her fists.

"Everly, you're going to want to hear this." She said with a smug look as she looked away from dad and right at me. What could she possibly do? We're in a place full of police officers.

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