Chapter 45

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Despite only being the first week back to school, I was already so tired of it. I somehow managed to convince dad that I was perfectly fine and well enough to go to school, and even then he made sure to call all my friends to the car early in the morning and give them instructions on what to do if I suddenly collapse in the middle of the hallway for no apparent reason.

"Ben's funny." Noah snorted as I rolled my eyes and shoved his arm off from around my shoulders. "What?! I don't see the problem with Ben wanting to keep his precious little princess safe." He pouted as I narrowed my eyes at him and turned around to walk in the opposite direction.

"Noah, leave her alone." Max said as I gave big a smug look. "I'm pretty sure Ben said it's her nap time in a couple minutes." He grinned as everyone started laughing while my smug look immediately disappeared.

"Your haircut looks ugly, I think you need a new barber." I huffed as Max immediately looked in the camera of his phone and checked his hair before shooting me a glare.

The three of us made our way to the cafeteria and walked right over to our friends who were sat at our usual table. Once we sat down, Kade slid a tray of food over to me while Mia slid over a slice of cake.

"Have any of you guys seen Mason? I thought he was coming with you." Mia asked as I wrapped my arms around her, thanking her for the cake before digging in.

"I thought he was already here." I said with a mouthful of pizza as Mia shook her heard and pulled her phone out of her pocket before rapidly typing, probably texting Mason.

"He was but he got a phone call and said he'd find you and come back." She sighed as I gave her a confused look and made a mental note to ask her about it later on when it's just the two of us.

"Let me see if I can get a hold of him." I said before putting down my pizza and wiping my hands before picking up my phone.

I didn't bother sending him a text or calling him, instead I went on the app he made me download after my car accident. It tells you the other persons live location. I remember when he apologised to me, he downloaded the app so he'd always know where I was just in case. The same applied for him too, I'm always so paranoid when I know he has a fight, so it's nice to know that he's getting home safe and not knocked out in the middle of a club.

Anyway, I zoomed in on the location to see him driving. I zoomed out slightly and immediately let out a loud groan.

"I know where he is." I sighed before picking up my plate. "Max you're coming with us." I said as I sling my bag over my shoulder before handing my cake to Mia.

"Where are we going?" He asked as he shoved an entire slice of pizza in his mouth and grabbed his water bottle before standing up.

"We're going to get Mason." I said as the three of us made our way out the doors. "Cover for us." I yelled at the three of them as they yelled back an 'okay' just as we left.

The three of us made our way out of the school and to Max's car. I got into the back and let the love birds sit together before leaning forward in the middle and connecting my phone to the car. Mason's location popped up on the screen as the two of them looked back at me once they realised where he was going.

"It's the middle of the school day and he's going for a fight, I don't have a good feeling about this." I nervously said as my leg bounced up and down.

"He never takes fights during the day." Mia frowned as Max backed out of his parking spot and drove right out of the school parking lot.

Five minutes into the drive, I watched Masons icon stop moving. I watched the icon move into a building before hitting my head on the headrest of Max's seat.

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