Chapter 36

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"Surprise!" I heard two loud, familiar, voices squeal as the front door burst open just as Holly and I made our way down the stairs.

I stumbled backwards on the stairs from surprise but was immediately stabilised by Holly who practically kept me standing up straight. My eyes widened in surprise as Bella and Candace both stood in the doorway with wide grins on their faces.

"We were going to come as soon as we heard about your accident but I had a bunch of things going on." Candace said as both her and Holly wrapped their arms around me and pulled me in for a tight hug. 

"Don't worry about it. When did you guys get here?" I asked as we all made our way to the living room where the twins were playing with Val while the adults all spoke.

"Just last night, we stayed at the apartment." Bella said as we all sat down.

"Couldn't you wear your Rapunzel outfit or something." Dad frowned as he looked at the heels in specific.

"I would love to but my friends would kill me." I shrugged as Holly rolled her eyes in amusement.

"Ben, leave my poor girl alone." She scolded as he pouted like a child while everyone laughed.

"How are you girls?" Dad asked as he handed the four of us a soda from the mini fridge in the corner of the room.

"We're good, it's boring without all you guys." Bella sighed as Candace paid more attention to her phone than the conversation.

"I actually like it better in LA." She shrugged as she put her phone into her purse and stood up. "I'll be right back, I just need to use the bathroom." She said as she left the room before anyone could say anything else.

"Are you guys planning on staying here or do I need to get rid of the party poopers?" He asked as he pointed over at everyone else on the other side of the room. "I can supply the alcohol too." He grinned proudly. I think he sometimes forgets that he's almost 40 and not 14.

"Sure." I teased as he immediately snapped his head in my direction.

"None for you, you can have a caprisun." He said as Holly and Bella burst out laughing while I rolled my eyes. I've never been a fan of alcohol anyway so jokes on him.

"Max's mom actually said we could hang out at hers since they're staying at her parents for longer." Holly said as he raised any eyebrow at Holly. "No there will not be alcohol." She laughed as he gave her a satisfied nod before sitting down.

Candace soon came back sat down on a lone couch by herself lost in her own thoughts. She didn't seem to engage in any of our conversations or even seem to interested at all.

"I'll see you guys at the party." Candace said before getting up and walking straight out of the house without saying or even looking at anyone else. I wonder what's up with her.

Ignoring her odd behaviour, we spent the next hour and a half playing with the kids while adults all caught up. It wasn't much work considering they absolutely adore Bella and Holly just as much as they love me. It was long till we heard the doorbell ringing.

"I'll get it." I called out to no one specific as I picked up my fallen crutch and hobbled over to the front door. I unlocked it before pulling it open to see Mason and Mia standing there with wide smiles on their faces. And by they I mean Mia while Mason had the same blank look on his face till his blue eyes met mine.

"Happy birthday." She squealed as she wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me as tight as she possibly could. "Mum was upset she couldn't make it but she sent cookies and brownies." She said as she held up a gift bag.

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