Chapter 58

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"There's my favourite girl." A loud voice yelled as the door to my room flew open revealing Max and Noah holding a bouquet of white roses and a large box of chocolates. "Other than my girlfriend of course." He immediately added as I shook my head in amusement.

"You look so adorable." Noah cooed as he pinched my cheeks and sat down on my bed soon followed by Max.

"Your messy hair and dark eyes make you look gorgeous." Max snorted as I kicked him and narrowed my eyes at the both of them.

They raised their hands in the air before handing me the flowers and chocolates. I wasted no time ripping open the box and took the chocolates I like before handing them the not so nice ones. They rolled their eyes and took them anyway while I ate in silence.

It's been a few hours since I got home and everyone was in school. I was only in the hospital for an extra day before I was discharged. Perks of having parents who are well known surgeons that run the place. Anyway, Hayden and Hudson have been spending a lot of time together alone. Hudson didn't know his brother was kidnapped up until Hayden had told him himself. The two of them share absolutely everything with each other so he was bound to find out one way or the other. He was so mad at everyone for not telling him, but soon got over it when he saw how he needed to be there for his brother.

Despite being little seven year olds, they're very mature for their age. He's also been slipping into my room at night, not that in complaining. When neither of us can sleep, we stay up for a while and talk about...nothing really, whatever comes to our minds. I'm awake for him when he has a nightmare, and I'm awake for him when he needs me. Mom and dad have been talking about therapy while I was 'sleeping' and I don't think it's a bad idea. For Hayden, not me. Im perfectly fine.

"You selfish bitch." Noah huffed as he grimaced at the taste of the strawberry flavoured chocolate. They are not very nice, like at all.

"I am aren't I?" I grinned as he flicked my forehead and rolled his eyes.

"Do you want to get changed, it's really warm in here." Max said hesitantly, referring to the turtleneck I was wearing. It was definitely warm and I probably stink from sweating so much, but I'd rather smell than put those bruises on display.

"I'm fine." I shrugged as I kept my eyes on the chocolates in my hand and nibbled at them. 

"You seem to be saying that a lot." Noah frowned as I waved him off.

"We're going bowling soon, and you're coming." Max announced as I rolled my eyes.

"I don't feel up to it Max. I think I'm just going to nap." I said as he took the remaining chocolates from me along with the flowers.

"Don't feel up to it my ass, you're going and that's final."he demanded as I rolled my eyes and sighed. We'll see about that.

The two boys made themselves comfortable in my bed and soon enough Noah fell asleep. I mean, I'm not exactly surprised considering he had been yawning every other second. He clung onto my arm like a child and softly snored. He's probably dreaming about his boyfriend.

"How's Mia?" I asked as I wiggled my eyebrows and watched as his face turned pink.

"She's your friend go ask her." He huffed as I rolled my eyes. Boys. Always so annoying. "I had dinner with her mom and Mason, she seemed to love me. Mason, not so much." He sighed.

"When was the dinner?" I asked in shock as I immediately moved to sit up, but the weight of Noah practically sleeping on top of me held me down. "I was supposed to be there for Mia." I frowned. I remember her asking me to be at the dinner so Mason wouldn't do anything stupid.

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