Chapter 38

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It's been exactly twenty four hour hours since the mall incident, and I don't mean with Annabelle but with Candace. Despite being so mad at everyone, I eventually calmed down and gave it a good think. I haven't spoken to either Bella or Candace since yesterday and it's the only thing on my mind. Ultimately, the decision to keep the baby is Candace's and we have no say in what she chooses. However what we can do as her friends is make her understand that she can't make such a rash decision so quickly.

Sitting up from my bed, I let out a loud sigh before picking up my phone. I haven't heard much from any of my friends lately considering we've all been so busy with our families, however we all planned to meet up tomorrow before Christmas break ends.

I'm outside.
- Mason

What? Was I supposed to see Mason today?

I didn't bother replying and immediately pulled on a beanie before shoving my phone in my pocket. I stretched across my bed and picked up my crutch that was literally seconds away from falling, and stood up. I hobbled over to my door and grabbed my purse that was dangling on one of the hooks before pulling open my room door and walking out.

"Where are you going babe?" Athena asked as she popped her head out from the storeroom door.

"Masons outside, not sure why though. I'll call." I told her she wiggled her eyebrows at me while my cheeks blushed bright red.

"Stop it." I playfully huffed as I immediately made my way down the stairs not wanting to get teased. I know she knows Mason and I are a thing, maybe not that he asked me to be his girlfriend, but something for sure. It's always the boys that are clueless and that's a fact.

I slipped on one of my uggs before opening the front door to see Mason leaning against the drivers side while typing on his phone.

Hearing the phone door close, he looked up from his phone and gave me his breathtaking dimpled smile that quite literally took my breath away. I remember the first time ever meeting him, he was so moody and dark and literally seemed as though he hated me. I also remember how he barely spoke to anyone at all, the only person he would speak to was Mia simply because everyone just irritated him. And now, now he's smiling at me and I seem to be the person he talks the most to.

"Hi princess." I grinned as his smile immediately dropped and formed into an annoyed scowl. "Awww don't tell me you hate it." I said while mocking a pout while he rolled his eyes and walked over to me.

"Hi girlfriend." He said before planting a kiss on both my cheeks before meeting my lips.

"Hi boyfriend." I replied as I let my crutch drop before wrapping both arms around his neck while he supported me and kept me standing up. "You came out of nowhere." I pointed out as he kissed me once again immediately making me melt.

"I missed you." He shrugged as those three words made my heart burst. You know those air freshener ads where they spray the air freshener and a bunch of flowers just float everywhere? That's my heart right now. It's amazing how little things from the right person can make you feel.

"I missed you too." I grinned as he picked up my crutch before helping me to his car. The passenger seat was already pushed as far back as it could go giving me enough leg room.

Once I was sat down, he closed the car door before walking over to his side and got in. I watched as he glanced at my seatbelt for a split second before turning the car on and began driving. I know he wants to know why I don't wear a seatbelt, I would tell him too but the only problem is that I'd die of embarrassment.

I remember as a kid I'd always get nightmares and most of them would make me feel suffocated. I don't exactly remember them clearly considering it's been over a decade, however I do have faint memories and flashbacks on how they made me feel. I remember asking dad quite a while ago and he told me I used to have quite frequent nightmares but they stopped just as he was considering getting some professional help. It was as though they came for a certain amount of time and just disappeared. I have had a handful of nightmares here and there but not a single one of them has made me feel like the ones I had when I was a kid. I know it sounds silly, how could I possibly remember something from over a decade ago, I just do!

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