Chapter 6

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"Rise and shine little troublemaker of mine." I heard dads voice call out pulling me out of my dreams and to reality. Wait. Dad? What? "Oh wait that rhymed." He said with a chuckle.

"What are you doing at Elijah's dad?" I asked as I pulled my duvet all the way up to my chin, keeping my eyes closed.

"We're home sweetheart. I picked you up from Elijah's the second we landed." He said as he opened my eyes for me making me swat his hands away. "Athena's making pancakes and since you can't feed yourself, I'll feed you." He said cheekily as I opened my eyes and let out a loud groan.

"Okay fine I'll get up." I lied hoping he'll leave me alone for at least 10 more minutes so I can sleep more.

"Nice one kiddo, that won't work with me." He chuckled as he ruffled my hair making me roll my eyes.

I pulled my duvet off and got out of bed before dragging myself to my bathroom. Once I closed my bathroom door, I heard my bedroom door close. He really does know how to wake me up.

Once I did what I needed to in the bathroom, I stretched one last time before wearing my fluffy slippers and headed downstairs. I could smell the delicious pancakes being made as I drew closer and closer to the kitchen.

"How many for you today hun?" Athena asked me as I sat down on the stool next to dad while the twins sat on the small table just for them next to us.

"One please." I told her as dad flicked my forehead. "Fine, two please." I said once again as Athena playfully raised an eyebrow at me.

Dad moved to flick my forehead once again but I immediately ducked before he could do it.

"I don't think so old man, we're not going further than two or I'll be sick." I warned as he rolled his eyes. "Oh by the way, did you guys bring the cake I left at Elijah's?" I asked the two of them.

"I hid it on the top shelf of the fridge behind the salad bowl." Athena winked as Ben gave her look of disbelief.

"I want cake!" He whined like a child making the two of us laugh.

"I'll let you have a bite if you let me off the hook for yesterday." I negotiated as he shook his head.

"I don't think so. Yesterday was a big deal. We'll have a chat after breakfast." He said as I groaned in protest and lightly hit my forehead on the counter.

Athena quickly played two pancakes before drizzling some Nutella on them before sliding plate over to me.

"Where are the twins?" I asked the two of them as I took a bite out of the warm chocolatey pancake.

"They're still at Austin and Cassidy's, I'm picking them up right after breakfast." Athena said as she took a seat next to me and ate her own breakfast.

Once the three of us were done, I placed all the dishes in the dishwasher before turning around and leaving the kitchen. Maybe I can make it to my room before dad notices.

"Not so fast pumpkin." Dad called from the front door as I made it halfway up the staircase. Next time, I'm running.

I let out a loud exaggerated sigh before sitting on the railing of the stairs and slid down. Let's hope he didn't see that or I'll be in way more trouble. I remember quite a while ago, back when I was 8, I slid down the railing from the top of the stairs. Halfway down I lost my balance and went falling backwards. If it wasn't for Elijah saving me, my brain would be splattered all over the floor. Now that is not a pretty sight.

"Earth to Everly." I heard dad say snapping me out of my thoughts. He gave me a confused look before playfully rolling his eyes and walking into the living room signalling me to join him.

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