Chapter Two: There's Something In The Air

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It is the last day of my first semester back to school as a Junior, and I still hadn't managed to finish the song that I've been working on all summer

Or any song for that matter.

I groaned in frustration, ripping out another page of notebook paper and tossing it in the nearby trashcan before turning to my list of potential song drafts and scratching out yet another title.

"You wrote the song we're about to sing. Why can't you just post that one?" EJ asked.

It was the last day of school before Christmas break, and EJ, Gina, Seb and I were waiting in the cafeteria for Miss Jenn to enter. We were doing a one-take Christmas song music video for our first official East High Drama Club Instagram post. They had asked me to write a Christmas song for it, which I banged out pretty easily...

Writing a follow-up to my viral  audition song however...not so easy.

"Its not good enough," I answered, glancing up at him. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Ok yes, its great for the purposes I wrote it, but this next song has to be great and...I'm just not feeling it yet."

"You'll get there," He assured me, putting his hands on my arms, "Plus, I think you're putting way too much pressure on yourself." 

"Story of my life." I mumbled. 

"Ok, how about, you put this down," He took the notebook from my hand, tossing it aside, "And you focus on the performance. And aside from that, its about to be our first Christmas together as a couple. I want to enjoy that, don't you?" I blew out a nervous breath, but nodded in agreement just as Carlos came running into the cafeteria.

"We're filming! Places people!" He exclaimed. Just as he said this, I could hear the sounds of my song echoing down the hallway as Carlos ran to get in position with Seb at the top of the cafeteria stairs. I bounced nervously on the balls of my feet, shaking out my hands and glancing at EJ, who pressed a quick kiss to my cheek just as Miss Jenn came down the stairs with her phone in hand.

"Getting comfy in my onsie, yeah." Seb started, both boys walking down the steps as Miss Jenn walked towards them. "Let's kick back and take a break, I hope we're snowed in every day."

"There's no time to relax, Got moves to make. Got ground to break. Get the reindeer out the way, I'm gonna make this season slay!" By now, Seb and Carlos had reached the bottom of the stairs and were doing a small little dance, leading up to EJ and I at the top of the second landing. Carlos spun Seb around as he sang, and Seb pointed to us, prompting Miss Jenn to turn the camera in our direction.

"The end and the beginning of another year," EJ and I sang in harmony, grabbing each other's hands as we walked backwards down the stairs, "Taking in the memories that we made right here." He kissed me on the cheek again as Miss Jenn moved past us to film Gina, who was standing on the floor.

"The tree is goin' up and my roots are going down," We jumped down the rest of the way, joining her. 

"All around I'm feelin' it, Are you feelin' it?" Gina began dancing at that point, and EJ and I ducked behind one of the presents to get out of the shot as the dancers joined her. After that, Miss Jenn moved into the hallway to film Nini and Ricky's solo, and by that point, everyone else had come together and were gathering in the hallway. 

"A season of celebratin', The memories we'll be makin', Makin' a change, make a new start," Nini and Ricky had been at the front of the group, holding hands, but they let go as Gina broke through the middle to start another dance break.

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