Chapter Twenty-Three: The Mob Song

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I walked into the costume shop with Gina, only to find EJ basically frozen in the doorway, and Lily, Antoinne, and one of our dancers, who I believe was named Grace. 

"Hello Wildcats." Lily greeted menacingly. 


"Antoine stop, you're not even really French." I said, moving over to stand beside them. The East High kids all looked at me with that same heartbroken betrayal that they did the night of Carlos' Birthday. 

"I don't know why you keep saying that. I am, how you say, definitely French."

"Then why do you keep saying 'how you say' followed by exactly what you mean to say?" I asked, crossing my arms and shooting him a look. 

"What are you all doing here? Scoping out the competition?" Lily questioned. 

"They're looking for their Beast mask," I said, keeping my eyes trained on the Wildcats, "They think we took it...understandably, its something we would do." 

"Padon me, but our costumes are most excellent. Why would we steal your mask when it is so, uh..." Antoinne trailed off. "I...we do not have a word for this in France, but in America, I believe you say...'fugly'?" 

"You wouldn't know that word unless you were American." I argued. 

"What did you call my work?!" Kourtnee exclaimed. 

"Quoi?" He looked at Grace pretending to be confused.

"Look, I'm sure your mask is supes cute," Lily said, putting a hand on his shoulder, "But we're just in different leagues. I mean, we're literally a quasi-pre-professional theater company, housing a real internet celebrity, and you guys put on shows based on made-for-TV movies, and think 2500 hits counts as 'viral'." 

"35,000 now." I corrected, glancing at Nini. "Its a great song, by the way." 

She smiled at this. 

"Now, maybe you should listen to your precious High School Musical and stick to the stuff you know." Lily concluded. 

"Oh yeah?" Seb asked. "What if we bop to the top?"

"Honey, no." Carlos whispered.

"Let's just wait for the Menkies," Ricky said, "We'll see who's in what league then." 

"Or we could find out now." Lily said, holding her arms out. I furrowed my eyebrows, looking over at her. 

"What does that mean?" Big Red questioned.

"We challenge you to a good old-fashioned dance-off. "

"A what?"

"A school-versus-school dance-off to a Beauty and the Beast song chosen at random." She explained. "You'll do your version and we'll do ours. We'll see which school has what it takes. No costumes, no makeup, just talent." 

"I don't want to do that." I said quietly.

"I'm sorry no," Ricky agreed, "That's weird."

"Super weird." Ashlyn threw in.

"Even for me," Carlos added, "Let's go, guys."

"Classic East High," Lily called after them, "Walking out of here with your tail between your legs, just like your Miss Jenn did when she gave up on Broadway. Its no wonder Megan here traded up. And you know let's just be honest, maybe your Belle just can't cut it."

"Lily, stop." I tried, stepping up to get into her line of sight. 

"No, I'm sorry, but nobody, out-Belles our Belle," Gina said, stepping up in front of her, "Not even offense."

Easy To See(Sequel to 'Didn't Know It Before' - an EJ Caswell Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now