Chapter Fourteen: I Could

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Hey guys! So I gotta be honest, this new path I'm taking is a little dark, so trigger warning for these next several chapters. The whole dark thing isn't going to last that long, but I really wanted to try my best to make this season more interesting, while also addressing some potential issues I may have glossed over in book 1.

If you feel yourself getting triggered or overwhelmed by this storyline then please take a break and prioritize yourself. Talk to someone if you need to and please please please seek help if you need it.

Thank you for sticking with me through my ridiculous lack of updates.

EJ drove me home, and the entire time he kept a hand on me in some capacity. He was either holding my hand or had his resting on my he was trying to remind me that he was still there. I was grateful but...something about it terrified me also, like...

Don't get used to it. Its just gonna make it worse when he wises up and leaves.

We headed inside together and found Cass sitting on the couch watching TV. She paused it as we came in, a look of concern etched into her features.

"We'll be upstairs." I said, making my way up without waiting for a response.

"Hey lover boy," she called, "Hang back a sec. I wanna rehash the house rules."

"Uh yeah. Go ahead, I'll be right behind you." EJ said. I nodded, continuing on without him.


I waited until Megan was out of sight before addressing Cass, as I assumed she didn't actually want to talk about the rules.

"How's she doing?" She whispered. I shook my head.

"I don't know," I admitted, "but its starting to scare me. I think something is really wrong."

" too." She whispered. "She came home after auditions and had a full-blown panic attack."

"What?" I asked, looking toward the stairs. "She didn't tell me that."

"She's not telling anyone anything," she said, "She just says she's fine, and if you try to push it-"

"She snaps?" I asked. "Yeah, she kind of bit my head off earlier. It's so...unlike her."

"Don't hold it against her," She told me, "I mean, I'm no therapist, but I'm pretty sure that girl's got some hardcore abandonment issues."

"Really?" I asked. She nodded.

"Her confidence is completely shot," she whispered, "It kind of seems to me like she's just waiting for everyone in her life to see her the way she sees herself. She doesn't want to talk about it because she's scared we're gonna leave, that's why she gets all defensive."

"Is it because of her parents?" I questioned. She shrugged.

"Could be," she theorized, "I mean, they all seemed to move on from what happened between them pretty fast. There's no telling what kind of lasting effect that could've had on her."

"Well what do we do?"

"She needs help. Like trained, psychological help," She replied, "her parents suggested therapy, but she shut that down real quick. We can try to warm her up to it but for now, I think all we can do is be there. Show her we're not going anywhere, whether she believes us or not."

Easy To See(Sequel to 'Didn't Know It Before' - an EJ Caswell Fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum