Chapter Twenty-Seven: Granola Bar

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"Are you sure about this?" Gina asked, as Jack led us down the stairs toward the Sky Lounge. 

"No. That's the point." He said confidently. "Ok, here we go."

As we reached the bottom of the stairs, where the lounge attendant was standing, Jack turned around to face us.

"Bethany you always forget everything!" He exclaimed. "Hailey, doesn't she forget everything?!" 

"Ok, can you just relax? She said it was an accident!" I said going along with him. 

"Yes, and..." Gina started. "I've told you not to use that tone with me! You were in charge of the documents! Dad's passport, and credit card..."

"He said you were in charge."

"Because you can't be trusted!" 

"Well, at least I didn't steal Grandma's Pomeranian and hold it for Ransom!" He exclaimed. I furrowed my eyebrows. 

"No, pretty sure that was a dream you had." I argued.

"Excuse me," The attendant called, "Is there anything I can help you out with?"

On command, Gina burst into tears, stepping up towards the desk. Jack glanced at me and I raised my eyebrows in impressed surprise. 

"He left my Dad's credit card inside, in the lounge" She sobbed, "It was my responsibility to guard it, and now our dad's boarding the flight to Peru."

"Paris." Jack whispered.

"Paris. And I don't know what to do." 

"Ok, I can walk you into the first class lounge, and we'll find your credit card," He said calmly, "No need for tears...or dog napping." 

"Really?" She asked, wiping her eyes.

"Yeah. Come on." He nodded towards the room before leading the way and Gina followed, turning around and smiling at us. Jack held up a perfect symbol with his fingers as we waited outside of the lounge for our entrance ploy. 


"You weren't lying about the snacks." Gina said, returning to her seat with a plate of food as the three of us set up in the VIP lounge. 

"I never lie," He said "Except when I do. Did...Did the agent dude try to boot you out?"

"I told him I needed to cry for a minute in the bathroom when I couldn't find the credit card," She answered. "I think he went back to the gate."

I smiled, shaking my head. 

"You scare me sometimes." I said. She laughed, shoving me lightly. 

"Wow. You are tricky."

"I'm not tricky," Gina corrected, "I'm a performer." 

"Oh, so you've never lied?"

"Well not...never." 

"You ever play two truths and a lie?" He asked. "I mean, are you into games?" 

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out to see a text from Nini. 

"I'm into passing the time," She answered, "Ok, I'm in. Megan?"

"Nah, Nini wants to talk to me about something. You guys play though." I said, typing out a response. 

"Ok, one, I have ten tattoos," Jack started, "Two, I am a huge Ariana fan, and three, I'm terrified of butterflies." 

I smiled to myself as I sent my text. 

Easy To See(Sequel to 'Didn't Know It Before' - an EJ Caswell Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now