Chapter Three: We'll Make It Work

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"They're seriously going to be gone for three whole months?" Ashlyn asked. We were currently standing in the middle of her kitchen making Christmas cookies. We were currently working on making the dough while Gina and EJ had gone out to get more frosting.

"Yeah," I answered, pressing dough into the shape of an ornament, "But its ok though, because my Aunt is literally a rock-star of a person. This is exactly what I need right now, seeing as my song-writing has been severely lacking in the inspiration department."

"Are you still freaking out about that?" She questioned, flicking a puff of flour in my direction.

"Yes, I'm still freaking out about that," I threw some back at her, "I'm about one month away from becoming completely irrelevant again, and I'm going to lose all the momentum that I got from the audition video. I need to give people a song while they still care enough about me to listen."

"Megan, you're a ridiculously talented songwriter. Anything you put out is going to attract attention! Just relax, try and write something for you. That's what you did for the audition song, remember?" I shrugged.

"Thanks for that vote of confidence Ash, but I really don't think its that simple." Our conversation was cut off by the door opening and EJ and Gina coming back into the room toting several plastic shopping bags.

"We have returned, and we've got frosting!" Gina sang, plopping the bags down on the table.

"And about twenty different kinds of sprinkles because someone didn't think just two was enough." EJ said, walking over to stand beside me.

"Well, she's right. You can never have too many sprinkles." I pointed out, smiling as EJ leaned down and kissed me briefly.

"See? I told you." Gina shot back, walking back to the sink to wash her hands.

"Hey Julia Child, mind if I steal Rachel Ray for a minute?" EJ asked, wrapping his arms around my shoulders to hug me from behind.

"Sure, you do that, and Gina and I will stay here and ponder how in the heck you know who Julia Child is." Ashlyn answered, furrowing her eyebrows in amusement. I laughed and he let go of me, grabbing my hand and dragging me outside to the front porch. I shivered as the cold winter air blew through the holes in my sweater.

"What did you need? And why did it have to be outside in the ridiculously freezing weather?" I asked, wrapping my arms around myself.

"I just wanted us to have a little bit of privacy...when I give you your Christmas present." He said, pulling out a small wrapped box. I raised my eyebrows.

"But its not Christmas yet. Christmas isn't until next week." I pointed out, taking the box from him.

"Yeah, I know that," He laughed, "But I'm excited. I couldn't wait." I smiled.

"Well in that case..." I held up a finger before rushing down the driveway to my car and pulling out the gift bag that I'd been keeping there for the last several days. EJ laughed as I ran back up to join him on the porch, holding the bag out in front of me.

"I'll go first," He said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small black box. I smiled, handing him the bag and taking the box, opening it up to see what was inside. My jaw dropped.

Nestled inside the black jewelry box was a necklace, the charm on it being a small copy of Romeo and Juliet.

"Oh my gosh..." I put a hand over my mouth, running my thumb over the tiny book.

"I figured that's where everything started, so for our first Christmas together, I wanted to get something to memorialize that." I looked up at him with tears in my eyes, stepping forward and wrapping my arms around his neck.

Easy To See(Sequel to 'Didn't Know It Before' - an EJ Caswell Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now