Chapter Thirty-Two: Act Two

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"Wildcats!" Ms. Jenn announced, clapping as she strode into the center of the rehearsal room. "This is going fine. I am mostly proud."

I furrowed my eyebrows at her. 

"And I heard Big Red has not thrown up in over 20 minutes." 

"She heard wrong." Steph muttered. 

"Every great performance needs an X factor. Something special that puts it over the top." She said, "A little birdie has just told me where our Menkies judge is sitting, and I'm thinking that with just a few minor adjustments, we can make this gentleman feel every bit as welcome as the intruder that my mother clubbed over the head when I was a girl."

"I thought she just hog-tied him." Seb pointed out. 

"She just hog-tied him." She confirmed. "When the next song begins, I have directed Benjamin Mazzara and his lighting-ists-"

"They're called grips." Natalie corrected.

" spotlight our judge. And then I need you all to make him feel especially and uniquely welcome. Any questions?"

"Many questions." Gina said, holding up her feather duster. 

"But doesn't that totally ruin the immersion?" I asked. "and it sort of feels like we're desperate - like we're...trying too hard, like we think flattery will up our scores." 

"It feels that way for a reason, Megan." She said sternly. 

"Yeah, but we don't want them to know that," I argued, "We want it to be seamless, like its no big deal. We're not even thinking about that Menkies judge. That seems more professional. Besides, Carlos is nervous enough as it is being on stage for the first time, we shouldn't change the choreography right before we go out on stage."

"Megan, I appreciate that input, but as your teacher-"

I walked up to her so that only she could hear me.

"And I respect you as my teacher," I whispered, "But Ms. Jenn,I am telling you, this is not the right move, for the competition's sake, or for the sake of our performers. You made me the assistant director for a reason, and now I am asking you to trust my judgement and take my advice." 

She stared at me, open mouthed. 

"Megan..." She trailed off. " exactly the kind of assertiveness that I have been praying you would have."

I smiled. 

"So...we're not spotlighting the Menkies judge?" I asked. "We're doing Be Our Guest as we rehearsed it?"

"Yes," She confirmed, "Your confidence has convinced me. I will go tell Mr. Mazzara."

"Thank you." I said sincerely. She left the room and I turned around to look at the others. I blew out a sigh of relief and they all gave me quiet applause. 

"Thank you." Carlos said from his seat on the piano bench. 

"No problem. You just focus on killing it like we practiced." I said, putting my hands on his shoulders. 


"I like this girl," Kourtnee said, as she and Seb walked out arm-in-arm, "I like her spunk!" 

"If you ask me, she was just being stubborn," I said in my best stuffy, French accent, "After all, he did say please."

"You know, I believe that's the very first time I've ever heard him say that word."

I waved her off, putting my hands on my hips, before pausing and thinking about it for a moment.

"I think you're right." I admitted. 

Easy To See(Sequel to 'Didn't Know It Before' - an EJ Caswell Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now