Chapter Ten: The First Step

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"Ahem, alright! As you all know, this year's auditions will be a two-step process," Ms. Jenn announced, clapping to get our attention, "One, a group vocal warm-up to the classic song, Belle, and two, a song of your choice. Whatever shows off you the best. Ok, circle up, take your neighbor's hand."

We stepped into a circle, with me being between EJ and Gina. She squeezed my hand, shooting me an excited expression and I smiled back.

"For a moment of silent reflection."

"Here we go." I whispered, causing EJ and Gina to chuckle.

"Certain as the sun," Ms. Jenn started singing, "Rising in the east, tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, Beauty and the-"

Her long, held out note was interrupted by the side door of the theater opening, and we all turned around to see, who else, but Ricky, arriving at auditions at the last minute.

"Guess he decided to come after all." Ms. Jenn stated.

"Is this Mamma Mia 2?" Carlos questioned. "Cause here we go again!" 


The warm-up was pretty simple, and was really meant to be more fun than anything else. Anyone who was auditioning for a main role took turns singing Belle's lines, while anyone who wasn't singing at that time, or was trying out for a smaller role, took on some of the background parts. 

The warm-up alone actually gave away a lot of information, and even as we were singing, I was formulating a hypothetical cast list in my head. 

As far as Belle was concerned, and as far as I could tell, there were four possible contenders: Gina, Ashlyn, Me...and the blonde girl from lunch, who I'd learned was named Lily. 

Competing with Gina and Ashlyn, I could be happy no matter the outcome. They're my friends, obviously I will be happy for them if they get the lead. But there was something about this Lily girl, both when we'd spoken to her at lunch and when she sang Belle's part in the warm-up, that rubbed me the wrong way. I got the vibe that the nice, friendly, excitable behavior that she was showing all of us was simply just an act. I got a feeling that she had way more theater experience than she was letting on, but most of all, I could tell just by the look on her face that no matter how talented she had told us all that we were, she was 100% convinced that she was better than all of us. 

Unfortunately for her though, I think that mindset came across very clearly in her portrayal of the character. Her voice is fantastic, but she doesn't give Belle the kind, understanding, book-lover and hopeless romantic she gives off...Gaston, the over-confidant pretty person who thinks that anyone would be lucky to have them.

That being said, there was no denying that Ashlyn's portrayal of Belle was perfect. She appeared sweet and kind and whimsical, and I think this is largely due to the fact that that is just who Ashlyn is. She portrayed herself through the character and that combination is just so beautiful that you can't help but want to root for her. 

While Gina is obviously very talented, I personally just don't see her fitting into a role such as Belle. I adore her, of course, but Belle is sensitive and kind-hearted. Gina exudes strength and power in everything that she does, and though Belle exhibits those qualities as well, they are less obvious compared to her kindness and open-mindedness.

Obviously, I can't give myself notes on my own be honest I have no clue how I come across from the outside...but if I were Miss Jenn, I would be casting Ashlyn as Belle, no question. 

"Alright, alright, I've already learned so much." Ms. Jenn said once she'd finished her applause after the final run. "That's it for the warm-up, please prepare your individual songs.

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