Chapter Nineteen: Tears and Explanations

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I slowly stood up, turning around as the video began to play, the audio echoing from Carlos' phone speaker to the entire barn. 

"Hey, what's up? Zack Clack coming at you with a beautiful bombshell today. Hey, remember how North High was all set to make a splash with The Little Mermaid?  Well after a generous offer from our pals at a local wildlife recue, we've decided to switch gears. Because we are all about these puppies now." 

"Meet Blaze," I winced as my voice came through the speakers, knowing that all of my friends were standing there watching me, dressed in a North High t-shirt, making a promo video with Zackey Roy, "He and his trained wolf pack, along with yours truly, will be joining North High in our brand new production of  Beauty and the Beast. Playing themselves in the big act one forest climax, alongside myself as Belle." 

"So if you only catch one Beast this spring," Lily's voice joined the mix, "Come out for this one. There is no finer teacher in the Salt Lake reigon than Mr. Roy, who has been generous enough to let Megan and I transfer to North High, and co-direct."

"Are you crying?" Zackey asked. 

"Well, I'm not, not crying. Sing for Mommy, Blaze. Sing for Mommy."

The wolf howled, and the video ended and every eye in the place turned on me. I looked at all of them individually, gauging the hurt and anger and confusion in their expressions. Ashlyn had tears in her eyes and EJ...EJ's face was the worst of all. 

"Meg?" He asked quietly. " that true, are you...are you transferring to North High."

I nodded. 

"Yeah...Yeah, its true. I start Monday." I whispered, wiping the tears off of my cheeks. 

"They're doing Beauty and the Beast," Ashlyn pointed out, "You're playing Belle against me, I...why would you do that?" 

"Zackey Roy's been trying to poach her since New Year's," Carlos said, crossing his arms and glaring at me, "What about all that crap you said at the thrift store? About morality and loyalty? Was that all a lie?!"

"No!" I insisted. "No, I meant it when I said it, but-"

"But?" Ricky asked. "What changed, Megan? I mean, you're betraying us, what could have possibly led you to this?!" 

Everyone began shouting questions at me and I looked around desperately, trying to clear the noise in my head so that I I could process what was happening. But through all of the shouting and tears and angry faces, the only thing I could see to focus on was EJ. He wasn't reacting like the others. He didn't look angry or confused, he just looked...sad. He was just staring at me, standing completely still with these awful, heartbroken eyes.

"Guys, GUYS!" He shouted suddenly, cutting off their rants. "Screaming at her isn't getting us anywhere. Just let her explain."

"EJ, did you know about this?" Ashlyn asked. He just stared at me, not bothering to address her. 

"I knew he wanted her," he said, more to me than to her, "I just don't know why you would ever take him up on it."

"Why?" I repeated, looking around at all of them. "You want to know, why?" 

"I think we deserve an explanation, yeah." Ricky said. I scoffed, shaking my head. 

"Well then, here's your explanation, Ricky," I replied, "I have been miserable these past couple months, and with the exception of EJ, not one of you even bothered to notice. I have been spiraling, I'm going out of my mind, and I have all of these dark, negative thoughts just screaming at me, all the time. I lay in bed at night, and all I can think about is how untalented, and annoying, and how worthless I am, and you guys have confirmed all of it." 

Easy To See(Sequel to 'Didn't Know It Before' - an EJ Caswell Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now