Chapter Nine: Part Of Our World

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The day of the auditions, Cass and I's morning routine was interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell. 

I furrowed my eyebrows from my seat at the island, glancing at Aunt Cass as she put her coffee cup down and walked to the door to answer it.

"Hello?" I heard her say, craning my neck to try and get a look at the front door.

"Hi, I've got a delivery for Megan Kline?" I jumped off of my barstool, running up to the front door to see a delivery man standing there, holding a bouquet of red, green, purple, and yellow flowers. "Just sign here please."

I grabbed the pen, writing my name and taking the vase from him.

"Thank you." Cass aid, shutting the door behind him and glancing at the flowers in confusion. "This Romeo's doing?"

"I wish it was." I said dryly, walking back into the kitchen and setting the flowers down before grabbing the card out of them. I opened the tiny envelope, looking at the card. "Good luck at auditions today. Don't forget what I said. You always have a place here if you want to be...part of our world."

"The North High guy again?" She asked as I tossed the bouquet in the trashcan. "How does he even know where you live?"

"I'm sure he's got some kind of freaky stalker connections." I said dryly, turning back to my cereal. "He got my Venmo, too." 

"He must really want you for that play." I shook my head.

"No...he  wants my internet influence, not me. If I wasn't so popular online he probably wouldn't even notice I exist." I said. "I'm sure he just wants to get back at Ms. Jenn, too."

"Well forget him. You're gonna kill your auditions today, and you're going to be an incredible Belle." I bit my lip. "What, you don't think you're gonna get Belle?"

"I don't know..." I said quietly, "I mean on some level...what if he's right? What if Ms. Jenn really doesn't have faith in my abilities and she casts me as like...I don't know...Cogsworth or something."

"What's wrong with Cogsworth?" She asked. "He's a fun character." 

"He has like one solo," I pointed out, "And its like five lines out of a group song, and it doesn't even really suit my range... Its fine, its just not...I guess I'm just worried that I'm not good enough, and she doesn't think I'm good enough, and the part I get is going to be representative of that." 

"Megan..." She reached across the table, putting her hand over mine, "You're good enough. I've heard you sing, the world has heard you sing and we both think you're pretty dang incredible. For someone who cares about you as much as you claim Ms. Jenn does, I guarantee that she knows that too, and she's going to give you the part that she thinks you deserve...which I think is Belle, but I'm a little biased." I chuckled. "You got this, ok? Just...believe in yourself."

"Yeah...yeah, you're right. Its gonna be fine. I've got this." I repeated.

"You've GOT this!" I smiled, taking my hand back and going back to my cereal.


"Good morning, Belle."

I looked up from my locker to see a single Rose floating in front of my face. I smiled, looking up just as EJ stepped into my field of vision, placing the Rose in my hand.

"That seems dangerous." I said, lifting the Rose to my nose to smell it.

"Its confidence, Megan," He clarified, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and leading me down the hallway "Its something that I have too much of, and that you could use more of, so I figure, I'll just be confident enough for the both of us."

Easy To See(Sequel to 'Didn't Know It Before' - an EJ Caswell Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now