Chapter Fifteen: What Is Wrong With You?

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After our heart-to-heart, EJ and I went back to my bedroom and had a stupid movie marathon, just like we usually did. We laughed and goofed around, and honestly, I needed it. It was the most normal I've felt since Christmas.

We were now laying in my bed, and I had my head on EJ's chest, listening to his heartbeat. His eyes were focused on the movie playing from my TV, but his hands were constantly busy, either playing with my hair or tracing shapes on my back with his fingers. 

"Its getting late." He mumbled drowsily, pressing his lips against the top of my head.

"Don't go." I whispered, pressing myself closer to him. He looked down at me, combing his fingers through the hair that was running down my back. 

"I'll stay if you need me to," He said, "But you're gonna have to convince your Aunt."

"Ok," I sat up, rubbing my hands over my face, "I probably need to talk to her anyway. I've been pretty awful to her lately." 

"I think she understands," He said, leaning his head back against my headboard, "She knows you've been going through something." 

I nodded, standing up and yawning before walking around my bed and heading out the door. I grabbed a fuzzy blanket from the basket beside my door as I passed, wrapping it around my shoulders before going downstairs.

Cass was just where we'd left her when we came in, sitting on the couch. Now she had a glass of wine in her hand and was watching some extreme makeover show. I leaned my arms on the back of the couch, turning my attention to the TV. 

"What are you watching?" I asked. 

"No idea," She said, taking a sip of her wine, "Just throw out an HGTV title, its probably that."

She grabbed the remote, clicking the TV off and turning to look at me. 

"Is this the part of the evening where you beg me to let your boyfriend sleep over?" She asked. 

"Nothing is going to happen, I promise," I said, moving around the couch and sitting down beside her, "Its just...things have been pretty sucky lately and I'm not ready for him to leave yet."

She nodded.

"As long as his parents are ok with it, and you keep it PG, I don't care." She said. taking another sip.

"Thank you," I said sincerely. I leaned into the back of the couch, sighing as the exhaustion of the day started to catch up with me. 

"Was there something else you wanted to talk about?" She asked, setting her glass down on the coffee table and turning to face me. 

"Yeah...Cass, I'm really sorry about what I said to you the other day," I told her, "You were just trying to help me, and I was-"

"Going through something," She interrupted, "I appreciate the apology kid, but I'm pretty tough. I can handle your emotions."

I smiled, laying my head on the back of the couch.

"I'm still sorry." I whispered. She smiled back, reaching over and tucking my hair behind my ear. 

"All is forgiven," She replied, " were probably right."

"Aunt Cass-"

"No, its ok," She cut me off, "I...its true, Meg. I haven't been around, just like your parents weren't before and...I had no idea, just how badly that absence affected you." 

"It wasn't your job to be around." I said with a shrug.

"No, I guess not," She agreed, "But I knew that they weren't, and I should have...I should've stepped up and done something about it, and I am so so sorry."

Easy To See(Sequel to 'Didn't Know It Before' - an EJ Caswell Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now