Chapter Twenty: Things I Wish You Said

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The show you love, from the school you love more. A Classic like you've never seen it before. North High School Presents...Beauty and the Beast. 

The silhouette, that stood in front of the lush pink curtain came fully into view, revealing Megan in a very expensive-looking gold dress. She had a rose in her hand, and her hair was styled into a perfectly Belle-esque hairstyle. She looked beautiful, as always but...if you knew her, you could see the sadness behind her eyes. 

She smiled in spite of this, lifting the Rose to her nose. 

"Point your compass north, and 'tie a napkin around your neck, cherie'. 'Cause we are coming to slay."

I know for a fact she despised having to say that. 

The camera switched to a brown-haired boy dressed in an intricate Lumiere costume. 

"Our candles are real," He said in French, with English subtitles appearing on the screen below him, "and our hearts are pure."

His hands lit up and he looked at them in amazement. Megan giggled, the most fake laugh I've ever heard from her and then leaned over, blowing on the candle and causing the light to go out. 

Ricky gestured to the phone in disbeleif. I sighed, running a hand over the back of my neck. 

"She looks miserable." Seb said sadly. 

"and like an actual Disney princess, with perfect pitch and the star quality of...a famous person that I'm too sad and intimidated to think of right now." Ashlyn said, pacing back and forth with her hands on her hips. 

Ricky turned to look at me and I shrugged, raking a hand through my hair. 

"Have you been sleeping?" Gina asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. 

"Not really," I admitted, "I've been texting and calling but she won't answer. I even tried going by her house once, but her Aunt told me she 'wasn't home'. I've just been sitting here, stuck with the fact that she's struggling and is completely isolated from all of her friends." 

"Thank you all for coming so quickly on a Saturday," Ms. Jenn said, entering the room with Carlos trailing behind her. She had an arm full of rainbow hulahoops and Carlos had a target bag filled with blue pool noodles, "Or, most of you all."

She went over to a table across the room, looking over her shoulder as she put stuff down. 

"We're missing a teapot and a village idiot."

"And a Megan." Ashlyn said, leaning her head on my shoulder. Ms. Jenn made a sympathetic face. 

"Uh, I think Kourtnee and Big Red are at the pizza place." Ricky answered. 

"Yeah, Kourtnee texted the group." Seb confirmed. "They said they couldn't get anyone to cover their shifts."

I lightly punched Seb's arm, reminding him that Kourtnee sent that to the theater kids group chat, and not the one with Ms. Jenn in it. 

"Oh? I didn't see that text." She said, fishing her phone out of her pocket. 

"I meant the group chat with me and EJ." Seb lied. I nodded, smiling half-heartedly at him at holding up an 'ok' sign.

"Well back to the matter at hand," She continued, "I can tell from your solemn faces, you've all seen...the video."


"Its incredible," Carlos said, "Even I have no notes, except for the fact that Megan looks dead inside. I can't beleive they stole our show."

"And our Megan." Ashlyn repeated. 

Easy To See(Sequel to 'Didn't Know It Before' - an EJ Caswell Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now