Chapter Twenty-Six: Spring Break

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I was only back at East High for a few days before spring break, which meant that I was flying out to San Diego to spend the week with my parents. 

Coincidentally, Gina was heading out to Louisiana to visit her mom, so we both ended up in the airport together, waiting for our flights out. We had been together when we got the text from Ms. Jenn asking for a cast zoom meeting, but I didn't have Zoom downloaded and Gina's phone was about to die, so we ended up running around the airport looking for an outlet before we could join the call. 

"Hey everyone! We're here!" She said as we hopped into the call. Everyone waved and I settled into the seat beside her as she positined her phone to see us both. "Sorry um, Megan doesn't have Zoom and I couldn't find an outlet."

"Wait, why are you together?" Ashlyn asked. 

"Both of our flights got delayed," I answered, "I guess her plane has a mechanical issue, and my pilot got food poisoning so we're waiting it out together." 

"Oh dear!" Ms. Jenn exclaimed. "Are you both safe?"

"I spent my childhood in airports," Gina told her, "I am no damsel in distress."

"And my parents are lawyers so...good luck to anyone who tries to kidnap me and get away with it." I said with a shrug. 

"Ok, looks like we are only missing Ricky. Nini, have you heard from him?" 

Nini made an uncomfortable face, not answering the question, which...led me to beleive that EJ and I weren't the only couple who broke up reccently.

"I think Ricky is taking some alone time," Big Red answered for her "Or mom time...or both. He's in Chicago." 

"Ok, I'm sure you're wondering why I've gathered you all here." Ms. Jenn continued. "Opening night is only three weeks away, folks. That means we need to stay focused. And I know I can't...won't make you work over the break. But I needed to remind you, face-to-face, stakes. are. high. Please, for the love of theater, do not take the word 'break' literally. Be safe. Ok well have fun. Stay in touch. And now you have this link, so hop on any time. I'm basically the queen of modern technology, so..."

"Bye guys!" 

"Not it!" 


"Not it!" 

Everyone clicked off and Gina closed out the app, settling back into her seat. I sighed, reaching up and tightening my ponytail. 

"Is this something you do a lot?" Gina asked. "Fly out to visit your parents when they're on a case?"

"No, not really," I replied "Before, we wouldn't really talk when they were on a case, and since we've repaired our relationship, they've been trying to avoid taking cases outside of Salt Lake. They were kind of forced into this one."

She nodded.

"So...Nini seemed super uncomfortable when Ricky was brought up," She said, "Do you think they broke up?"

"Things have been super tense between them, since the whole Rose Song thing." I said with a shrug. "Its possible I suppose."

"And uh...what about you? And EJ?" She questioned. I bit my lip.

"We are...playing it by ear." I said. "I'm still working on myself mentally, and he will either wait for me to be ready for a relationship or...he'll meet someone else. Whichever comes first."

"Oh," She said, " do you fell about that?"

"I mean, in an ideal world, I would be mentally stable and none of this would have ever happened" I replied, "But for now I'm just taking things one day at a time. I can't think too far ahead, I just have to kind the next right thing and hope I get where I want to go." 

Easy To See(Sequel to 'Didn't Know It Before' - an EJ Caswell Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now