Chapter Four: Aunt Cass

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"Aunt Cass!" I exclaimed, glancing nervously at EJ. His face was bright red and he was rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Hey there Meg," My Aunt greeted. My Aunt Cassie, or Cass as we usually call her, is a thirty-five year old women with blonde hair and the fashion sense of someone who plays in a punk rock band. Probably because she once did, play in a punk rock band. I stood beside my bed, looking at her in shock, because not only had I not seen her in years, she just walked in on my in a very precarious position with my boyfriend that probably looked...interesting, "Sorry to interrupt your adolescent canoodling. Your mom said you were at a friend's house."

"I was, we just came from there." I clarified, bringing up a hand so that I could chew absently on my nail. She nodded, leaning into the doorway to fully look at EJ.

"I guess you just had better things to do, huh?" I cringed.

"Ma'am, I promise, this is not what it looks like." EJ explained, stepping up beside me.

"Ugh, don't call me ma'am, if you know what's good for you. Look at me kid, do I look like a Ma'am to you?" She questioned.

"Sorry, No Ma-Um, I mean-"

"Cass will be just fine." She stepped up, reaching out a hand and he took it, shaking it. "Your mom mentioned that you'd gotten yourself a boyfriend, but I'll be honest, this isn't quite what I expected. I figured you'd go for one of those scrawny, artsy types." 

"He does theater with me actually so...half right, I guess." I stated. She nodded. "This is EJ Caswell, by the way. EJ, this is my Aunt, My mom's sister, Cassie." She pointed a finger between us.

"Do your folks know that he's here right now?"

"We were together at his cousin's house, and then came back here to hang out for a bit afterwards. They're usually ok with him coming over whenever." I stated. She nodded.

"Yeah, well if I know your dad, he wouldn't be so ok with it if he saw Prince charming over here slobbering all over his daughter just now."

"Are you going to tell them?" I questioned. She shook her head.

"No. I'm the cool aunt, its my job to keep secrets from your parents," I chuckled, "However, just know that this will not be happening once I'm in charge, is that clear?"

"Yes, of course. One hundred percent." I said, tucking some stray hair behind my ears. She smiled, glancing between us.

"Compose yourselves, then meet me downstairs in five. I have some question for Ken over here." I furrowed my eyebrows at this as she picked up her duffle bag and walked away, leaving us alone again. I blew out a breath, turning to look at EJ, who looked horrified.

"That...was not the introduction I was hoping for." He stated.  I laughed, grabbing his hand and pulling him downstairs.


"I got this...this rare herbal beverage when I was in India...its said that if you drink this stuff at every meal for a month, it cleans out your skin, but in like, the most disgusting way possible. It all just comes spilling out of your pores like a water hose, its horrible." Aunt Cass said, passing us both a hot mug.

"Really?" I asked, looking down in disgust at the cup in front of me. She smiled.

"No. Its Hot Chocolate. I just wanted to see if you'd go along with it." I chuckled, rolling my eyes as I took a sip of the warm drink. EJ sat down beside me at the kitchen island, taking a drink of his own.

"So...EJ...what are your intentions with my niece?" She leaned against the counter on her arms, looking at him with narrowed eyes.

"Um..." She burst out laughing, causing him to look at me with wide confused eyes. I shrugged.

"Again, I'm joking! Just joking. Your mom already filled me on on everything to do with your relationship so, I'm set. I just wanted to see the look of fear in your eyes." EJ laughed nervously, shooting me a 'who is this woman' kind of look. "However, what I do want to why a video of you signing popped up on my YouTube Recommended." 

"What, for real?" I asked. She nodded.

"At first, I wasn't sure it was you, because...I know my niece and my niece doesn't sing, much less in front of a room full of people, but sure enough there you are, belting it out like some kind of pop star. What gives, Meg?! I thought we were besties, we tell each other everything!" I laughed, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Well...I was insecure about my music for a really long time," I told her, "But then I auditioned for the musical kind of changed everything. It fixed my relationship with Mom and Dad, it gave me a confidence that I didn't have before...I got to know EJ, who has changed my life in more ways than one..." He smiled, reaching over and putting his hand over mine on the counter. "So yeah...a lot's happened this past few months." Cass was smiling, glancing back and forth between us.

"I can see that," She said, smiling brightly. 

"It goes both ways, really," EJ added, drawing both of our eyes to him, "I mean Megan...I'm a much better person since we became friends. Even more so since we started dating. She's inspiring and she's not afraid to call me out when I'm acting like an idiot...I love her." I smiled.

"Relax, Romeo. I told you you didn't have to convince me," She said, smiling at him, "But I can tell you really care about her. That's all I care about." He nodded.

"I should probably be getting home." I nodded.

"I'll walk you out." He headed upstairs to get his stuff and I shot my Aunt a questioning look.

"You can say goodbye. I won't interrupt." She said, holding her hands up. I smiled, rushing back to the foot of the stairs just as he had climbed back down them. Despite my outfit, I followed him outside into the cold December weather. I shivered.

"This was fun," I told him, reaching up and grabbing my necklace, "And I love my Christmas present."

"I'm glad. I love mine too." He said, stepping up to me and putting his hands on my face. "Your Aunt seems cool."

"She is," I told him, "I'm hoping she can provide some inspiration for my song writing. "

"You're gonna figure it out." He replied, leaning his forehead against mine.

"I hope so..." I whispered. "I'll see you at the New Years Party at Ashlyn's right?"

"Yeah, of course." I smiled.

"Ok, let's hurry up this goodbye, I'm freaking freezing." EJ laughed, pulling away from me and opening up his jacket. I wrapped my arms around him and he closed me up inside of it before leaning down and pressing his lips against mine. 

"Goodnight, Megan." He whispered once he pulled away. 

"Goodnight, EJ." I stood on my toes, kissing him one last time before pulling away. "Text me when you get home."

He nodded, but I didn't wait for him to get in his car. I ran inside, trying to shake the cold from my body as I shut the door behind me. Aunt Cass had settled on the couch now, her arm leaned on the back of it as she looked at me.

"Tell me everything." She said. I smiled, running over and jumping over the back of the couch until I was sitting beside her. 

Easy To See(Sequel to 'Didn't Know It Before' - an EJ Caswell Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now