Chapter Thirty-Three: The Music In Me

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"Its like, a normal harness. Like its I don't know, this big."

Once we approached the finale of the show...everything fell into disaster. 

"You guys, the orchestra hasn't vamped this much since Bop To The Top!" Carlos called. 

"I know its here!" Natalie exclaimed. "I preset it!" 

"What's wrong?!" Ms. Jenn asked, running into the backstage area.

"My harness is missing." Ricky told her. 

"You know, the one for the transformation?" 

"No. No, this can't be happening." She said.

"It was here." 

"What else can I use?" 

"OH FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE, CAN'T YOU JUST JUMP OFF SOMETHING HIGH?!" Ms. Jenn shouted. Everyone froze their searches, looking up at her in horror. "No. Forget I said that. I will be...not here." 

She turned, leaving the backstage area. I shook my head as I realization started to sink in. I turned to face the others. 

"Who from North High is in the audience right now?" I questioned. 

"Howie." Kourtnee said with a shrug. I looked up to find Ricky staring at me with a knowing look.

"Lily." He said. I shook my head, turning around and heading toward the wings. "What are you going to do?"

"Get our freaking harness back!" I called, not bothering to look back. 

I burst through the curtains and down the stage stairs, the crowd errupting in whispers and murmers as I strode through the audience, coming through faces until I found the snarky blonde rat I was looking for. She had her head bowed, hoping I wouldn't notice her, but even from where I was standing I could see that bright yellow tape that I knew had Ricky's name on it. 

"Lily!" I hissed. She looked up at me slowly, putting on her best innocent face. "If you don't hand over that harness right now, I swear, with God as my witness, I will be taking my cyberbullying claims to the North High administration as well as the Menkies board. You and your entire production will be in the dust by Monday morning, and if you don't believe me, take one look at my face right now and tell me I won't do it." 

Her face fell and she tossed the harness to me. I caught it, shooting her another glare.

"Screw with my friends again, see what happens." I warned as I trekked back up the aisles, coming to a stop beside our Menkie's judge.

"Hi, welcome to East High," I whispered, "Sorry for the delay. Technical difficulties, you know how it is. We'll be back on track in just a moment."

I took the stage steps two at a time, appearing backstage and holding up the harness. The cast cheered as I walked up to Ricky, who was already taking off his jacket. 

"It was Lily?" He asked. I nodded, beginning to strap him into it. "How'd you get it back?"

"Threatened to turn her in for cyberbullying," I replied, "Which I might do anyway, I don't know. I haven't decided how nice I'm being yet." 


We finally got to perform our grand finale, which earned us a standing ovation from the crowd. 

Afterwards, everyone was in the Rehearsal room changing out of costumes and removing makeup. I was in the process of taking the pins out of my hair while recounting the whole Lily story to EJ. 

"You actually said that?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Apparently the mentally healthy version of me pulls no punches." I said, dropping one of the pins onto the table, "But honestly, I'm done with her crap. The audacity she had to pull something like that...after everything she's done." 

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