chapter eighteen

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The next morning came around I got up took a quick shower and changed into some of Meredith's clothes then headed downstairs into the kitchen.

"Morning" I spoke with a smile as I entered

"Morning" they both replied back.

Derek was making breakfast whilst Meredith was sitting with Zola helping her eat her breakfast. I headed over to make myself a coffee.

"Are you eating this morning Lexie?" Derek asked as he began plating up himself and Meredith

"Uh no I can't I need to speak with Richard before rounds" I replied as I poor my coffee in a travel cup.

"Alright I'm out" I spoke gathering my purse and shoes

I went around the kitchen and said my goodbyes "will you be back tonight?" Zola asked

"Of course I will" I smiled "Maybe Auntie Lex can babysit you tonight"

"Yay!" she screamed with a smile

I gave Meredith one last hug then left the house.


I pulled up to work and headed straight to the Chief's office I knocked and waited for a reply

"come in" I heard and proceeded to follow in

When I entered the Chief was sitting at his desk with someone sitting in the chair opposite. I couldn't make out who it was yes.

"Morning Dr Grey, how can I help?" Chief asked

"Uh I just wanted to speak to you about yesterday but I can come back later"

"No no we were just wrapping up"

Just as he finished his sentence the other person stood up and as soon as they turned around I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Hey Lex" He spoke

"Hi" I replied making eye contact with him

"I'll see you later chief" Mark spoke as he walked out

Now all the Chiefs attention was on me.

"How can I help you Lexie?" He asked taking a seat at his desk

I slowly walked closer and stood behind the chair Mark was sitting in. Already I could smell his scent. I missed it so much.

"I was just coming to see if I could be on Dr Shepherds service today so I can start to study neuro for my fellowship"

He nodded "That can happen"

"Really? you aren't going to stop it?"

He shook his head "no everythings worked out"

"thanks" I replied and headed to the door but before I could exit the Chief spoke again

"you should thank Mark, he's the one that changed it"

A smile spread across my face as I left the Chiefs office.


I found Mark standing at the nurses desk with all the other residents and attendings. We made eye contact and he stared at me as I kept walking closer to the group.  I was about to walk up to him and thank him but he had already began talking.

I didn't really listen to him, I suppose I should have but I was too busy staring at him. I was cut out of my gaze when my name was called.

"Dr Grey you're with Dr Shepherd on neuro"

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