chapter twenty five

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I woke up in a hospital bed. I was curled up in a ball, I still had my shoes and scrubs on. Both Callie and April were by my side. My head had a stabbing pain but my vision was able to clear up.

"Feeling better?" April asked

I nodded slowly. I wasn't better but I didn't want them to worry.

"You had a major anxiety attack Lexie do you know why?" Callie asked concerned

I truth is I knew why. It was because Maddison said she wanted to take the love of my life away from me. She wanted to take my career and friends away also. I had worked so hard to get back to where I was before the plane crash and I didn't want to start over again. But do I really come clean to Callie and April? They might not believe me and think that it's nonsense me worrying about Maddison.

I eventually decided to come clean to Callie and April why them I don't know but they were the only ones in the room. I was surprised when they believed me.

"Do you plan on telling Mark?" April asked

"I don't know. Probably not I don't need him worrying about me"

"You should tell him. Mark would want to know and it's better for him to know. You know how he was when you almost died and when you spent months in hospital"

I nodded "yeah, he never left my side"

"and he won't leave your side again. but its best for him to know so he can understand why you had a panic attack in the first place. You just need to be open and honest with him. He will understand and hopefully will talk to the Chief and get her fired." Callie responded

And suddenly we heard yelling in the hallways

"Where is she?" A voice asked followed by some fast heavy feet

He entered the room "Lexie what happened?" he asked and walked to my side

"I'm fine Mark" I replied locking eyes with him.

He knelt down to my level and grabbed my right hand and placed a kiss on it and then proceeded to stroke my hair.

"What happened?" he asked again

"nothing, I'm fine." I replied

"Lexie" he spoke more sternly.

After the crash Mark was always so protective over me especially if I got hurt. It's like he is scared that if I get hurt I will die.

"Mark I am fine" I lied again

He didn't believe me and knew that I wouldn't tell him anything

"Callie what's wrong with Lex?" he asked and turned his head to face Callie

Callie looked at Mark then looked at me and I shook my head hoping she wouldn't worry him because that's the last thing he needs to worry about.

"She had a panic attack, a pretty severe one" Callie spoke

Mark turned back to me

"Why Lex?" Mark asked and rubbed his thumb on

I sighed, I couldn't lie to him any longer but he didn't need to worry about me. I was fine.

"I was just stressed. I'm fine." I lied

Callie and April looked at me with a disappointed look because I didn't tell Mark. April left the room.

"Take care of her Mark. I'm serious" Callie sternly spoke before she left the room too

"So you going to tell me what really happened?" Mark asked again

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