chapter three

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"hi" Mark said entering my room and closing the door behind him

"look" I started off as he walked closer "take a seat" I added patting down the spot on my bed. I sat up as he took a seat.

Mark took both my hands rubbing them with his thumbs "your alive" he said relieved. I nodded "yeah"

I stared at him rubbing my hands for a while then spoke

"Mark" I lifted my head to meet his eyes
"Yeah" he cocked his head to the side a bit
"You don't have to love me just because I said it"
"No listen, I understand that it was a spur of the moment because I was on my death bed. I know that you still love Julia and you have the right too. You deserve to be happy and you can't be happy with me....I mean look at me I'm broken" tears filled my eyes and slowly started to fall causing me to look away to avoid him seeing me cry, but Mark noticed and placed his hand on my chin moving my face to meet his again. He wiped away the leftover tears then spoke "Lex, I love you...I love you more than anything" his words gave me butterflies "I like Julia but I love you I always have and she kinda knew that my heart was in a different place too and we had a mutual parting. But my point is is that I am happy, I am happy with you whether you're broken or mended. Yes your broken right now and I will be there to fix you. I'll be there every minute of every day to help you with whatever you need. I love you lex" he finished with giving me a kiss on my forehead.

I smiled letting the tears fall again "thank you" I managed to say

"So can we start over?" I asked
"Absolutely" he smiled and I smiled back

Mark cupped my face and place a kiss on my lips "I missed that" I confessed "so did I" he confessed back

"How's everything?" Derek asked walking in my room

"Wonderful" I replied looking at Mark

Soon Meredith, Cristina, Arizona, Alex, Callie, Jackson and everyone came into

"So when can you start work again?" I asked everyone who was a part of the plane crash

"Hopefully within the next few weeks or month" Cristina said "we do have to see a therapist though and they will determine whether we can do surgery"

So it was just the same path that we took after the shooting. I frowned realising that I wouldn't be able to work for at least a year I would miss it but I would be here almost everyday so I could still see all my friends.

"A therapist...lovely" I sarcastically replied

After the first time of seeing a therapist I never wanted to go back. It made me fee terrible having to sit there pouring my emotions out. I hated it they didn't need to know how I felt they didn't and they don't. I'm alive and that's all that matters I don't need a therapist to evaluate my emotional state.

"You'll be fine lex, I'll be there and so will everyone else to help you" mark reassured me

"It won't be fine because I don't want to do it I don't want to ever talk about the stupid crash with anyone!" I raised my voice

Everyone stared at me and I began to cry "I'm done I survived and I'm grateful for it but I cannot and will not talk about the crash ever again. It's dead to me. I can't I just can't" my crying got heavier "I just can't I can't" I sobbed into my hands

I heard Meredith order everyone out Mark got up but I grabbed his hand so he wounds go. Now it was just me, her and Mark.

"I'm such a miss" I sigh
"Your human Lex" Meredith replied standing at my bed brushing the hair out of my face
"Is there anything you want Lex?" Mark asked rubbing my hand
"Clothes, soap, whole room please"
"I'll bring it to you" Mark said with a smile
"I'll be back" he added with a kiss on my lips and walking out

"How's Mark?" Meredith asked sitting on my bed
"He's great, we love each other but we're starting over slowly I don't want to stuff this up"
"You won't Lex, this time around it will be perfect"
"I hope"

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