chapter thirty five

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Mark met me outside, I lent against a wall with my eyes closed waiting for the attack to slowly stop.

"You alright Lex?" Mark asked as he and Sofia walked over

I nodded "I am now" with a faint smile. Mark pulled me under his arm and we headed off home.


Mark and Sofia were in the middle of making their pizza when I was lost in my thoughts. As much as it sucked, I was given a second chance at life. Another chance to live after the crash.

(Little time jump)

It has been  several years since the crash and I have accomplished so much, I became an attending for neurosurgery. I was one of the top in the country. I married the love of my life a few summers ago, we went to Hawaii for our honeymoon. Soon after we bought a house together just outside Seattle. It it two story with a mountain view, white walls and a lot of windows. There is a yard filled with green grass big enough for our kids to run around: Sofia, Reese, and  Eden. Life felt complete. Mornings were my favourite: it was an early wake up with Eden who needed my attention. Mark would get her from her crib and place her on the bed between us. We would feed her then play with her whilst watching the sunrise from our room. The view from our room was immaculate. You could see the sun rise over the hills. The other two would come into our room soon after the sun rose. Reese the active toddler he was would jump onto the bed and wrestle with Mark whilst Sofia walked over slowly and sat by my side with Eden. We would spend a while all together in the bed talking and cuddling. Then we would head downstairs, I would bring Eden down whilst Mark carried Reese and Sof. Mark the amazing man he was would make coffee for myself and him then proceed to make the kids breakfast. We all ate together as a family which was my favourite. Once there was a time where I was certain none of this would exist. I could have died multiple times. But I didn't I came out the other end and I am so grateful. Even though I still get my nightmares, they are not as frequent but I would not trade it for what I have now. It is all worth it.

I was given a second chance at life and I will choose to life the rest of my life to the fullest.

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