chapter twenty eight

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(Just a little time jump to a few days before Lexie takes her board exams)

"Mark I can't I have to study" I spoke as Mark continued to plant kisses on my temple.

We were lying on his couch. Mark was sitting long ways on the couch, his legs were lying straight and he was sat up straight. I was sitting facing towards the tv. My legs were bent and had Marks underneath mine. I was reading a medical book, or at least trying too. Mark still wouldn't listen to me.

"Mark please" I spoke again

He still didn't listen and continued to kiss my temple then my cheek and lastly my neck. I smiled loving the affection he was giving but I needed to study. Mark still wouldn't stop so I grabbed my right hand and held it on his mouth slightly pushing him away. I giggled a little bit because I was imagining Marks annoyed face. I could feel his lips frown against my hand and I laughed a little again.

"You're no fun" He murmured against my hand

"I'm sorry Mark" I laughed "But I have too study"

"You're not sorry, you're laughing" He sounded annoyed

"It kind of is funny" I laughed again

Mark sat back and crossed his arms and I flipped the page continuing to read more notes. I then felt two strong arms wrap around my waist slowly pulling me down.

"Mark please I need to study" I spoke slowly falling on him

"Please just one hug" Mark replied wrapping his arms around me "Just one and I'll go hang with Sofia"

"Fine" I got up and put the textbook on the coffee table and before I could turn around Mark had already grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him. He enclosed his arms around my back and I closed mine around his neck. Our faces were close to touching.

"One minute and that's it" I said stubbornly

He instantly grew a smirk on his face and shook his head "I'll keep you here longer"

"One minute Mark" I responded and turned my face on my side so I was facing the tv

Mark kissed my hair more times than I could count. As the minute slowly came to an end Marks grip became tighter and he pulled me closer. Once the minute was up I slowly crawled out of his grip and got my textbook from the coffee table. Sadness grew over his face and he stood up.

"I'll see you tonight" I spoke brushing my hand through his hair

He gave me puppy dog eyes as I walked him out of the apartment.

"Go have fun with Sofia she will love spending time with her dad"

Mark stood in the hallway I kissed him once more on the lips and watched as he went to get Sofia from daycare. Finally I was alone to study, all distractions were gone. I headed back inside and sat at the breakfast bar continuing to read the textbook.

To say I was stressed was an understatement. My board exams, the biggest exams I will ever take were in two days and today was my last day to study because I would be travelling all day tomorrow to Washington to take them. I knew that my photographic memory would allow me to have an advantage but I was still super nervous. I thought about all the packing I still had to do, I still had not even packed yet. I was so behind.

I had finished the textbook at around 4:45 in the afternoon that was all the major studying I was going to do. I would only skim through my notes tomorrow and on the day to ensure I had memorised them all. I put the textbook down on the bookshelf and my phone went off.

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