chapter five

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It was later in the day and Callie was about to come in to discuss my leg surgery Mark had left to go spend more time with Sofia he felt bad for leaving me but I insisted because Sofia is more important than my leg surgery and, to be honest life is too precious to not spend it with his daughter.

I was daydreaming when Callies's voice brought me back to my life.

"Afternoon, Lexie. How are you feeling?" She spoke standing at the end of my bed

I gave her a thumbs up and she smiled and started talking about my surgery.

"I'm not going to lie this surgery is a lot more complicated then what I have previously done before."

My heart sunk.

"The reason being is because you have previously had extreme internal bleeding and the bleeding could start at any time again during the surgery. Which could lead to you bleeding out if we do not get to the bleeding quickly."

I froze. This was the worst-case scenario. What did I have to lose anyway? I had no one.

I nodded signalling that I had taken in all the information and Callie gave me the papers to sign which basically meant that I am aware I could die during my surgery. I signed the papers and handed them back to her and she left. I was again alone in my room with nothing but the thoughts in my head and I hated these thoughts. Always making me second guess my actions. I needed this surgery and I didn't want to die in the process but that's the price I've got to pay for my life. I have been given too many chances to live and if now I get taken away from the world by bleeding out on the table then so be it. Just as my thoughts began to get darker Mark walked in with Sofia. I smiled as they came in and he was literally the only happy thing in my life right now.

Sofia came over and jumped on Marks lap as he took a seat on the side of my bed. I sat up slowly.

"What happened Lex?" Sofia asked with a concerning look

I stroked her face and gave her a big smile whilst Mark filled her in telling her that I "fell down the stairs". She laughed and it made my day. I locked eyes with Mark and I gave him a concerning look and he knew it was bad. As soon as he saw my face he asked Arizona to grab Sofia which she did and we had the room to ourselves.

"How bad is it Lex?" he asked breaking

I wrote on the whiteboard everything Callie had told me and with each sentence, I could tell his heart broke even more and mine broke with it. Eventually, I finished telling him everything and he looked up at me and we locked eyes. A tear fell down his right eye and I wiped it off. I wanted to say so much to him but I couldn't write it down. We just kept each others gaze until Callie came in to prep me for my surgery. Mark stayed with me the whole time until we went into the OR. The last thing I remember before going under was seeing Mark in the viewing room and his last words were 'I love you'.



I'm sitting in the viewing room staring down at the love of my life praying that she doesn't bleed out. I feel sick to my stomach watching this. I want Callie to have all her focus on Lex. Callie begins cutting into Lex's right leg slowly and carefully. I cannot watch this, I begin pacing up and down the viewing room nervously.


I hear a voice call out, I turn to the voice and notice Arizona in the doorway.

"Settle down, stop stressing yourself out" She walks over and brings me to take a seat next to her.

When I'm sitting down I bounce my right leg up and down this causes Arizona to notice. She grabs my hands.

"Mark Lexie will be okay. She has all of us praying for her"

I don't answer I just stare at her open on the table.

Arizona stops speaking probably because she knows I don't want to hear it. I still sit there I can't tell how long it has been. Feels like it's been a year, I check the time and it's 10:30 pm Callie started at 4:30 pm. She has been working for 5 hours. I begin to slouch in my seat the tiredness is getting to me but I cannot sleep. Unfortunately, the tiredness starts to overcome me as my eyes begin to open and close slowly until they close and I'm left with blackness.

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