chapter twenty one

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"Morning Lex" I heard a masculine voice call.

I turned around from the nurses station as spotted Mark right next to me.

"Morning Mark" I replied back with a smile.

He put his charts on the desk and placed a kiss on my lips.

"Dinner tonight at mine" she spoke his lips still pressed against mine "I want to spend time with you tonight"

It was true we hardly spent time together at all this week, I was either at the hospital doing surgeries with Derek to catch up with my fellowship or at Meredith house sleeping or hanging out with my sister, brother in law, and niece.

"Fine, tonight I'm all yours" I replied back

He pulled away with a smile and wrapped his arms around me. I then wrapped mine around his. I was listening to his heart beat.

"Good morning staff"

I frowned instantly knowing I had to let go of Mark. I think he saw my face, he chuckled and turned me so he I was hugging his right side, his right arm was resting around my neck.

"I only have one announcement today"


"We have a new attending joining our plastics team"

Aww how nice, I hope he, Jackson, Mark get along. They can be like a plastics family.

"Her name is Maddison Archer. Please great her with respect and treat her with kindness"

Um what ?

Maddison was your typical blonde headed bimbo. Okay, I shouldn't say that it's not nice. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, and looked like she had a boob job, maybe two. She was very pretty, probably more prettier than me. And she was going to be spending a lot of time with Mark. But I shouldn't be worried. It's Mark. He loves me and I love him. We're meant to be.

But she is so much more prettier than me. I can't help but feel jealous.

"Hello everyone, I am Dr Archer. I am a plastics surgeon"

The chief already covered that genius

"I hope to soon become friends with all of you. Have a nice day"

Maddison left the staircase and headed off with the chief somewhere. Probably for a tour.

"Maddison seems nice" Mark commented

"Yeah for a blonde headed bimbo" I replied quietly thinking Mark wouldn't hear but he did.

He turned me around to face him "is someone getting a little jealous?" He asked whilst pulling a strand of my hair behind my eye

I looked at the nurses station "I'm not jealous. Maybe. No I'm not." He pulled my face to meet his

"Look, she's just really pretty and I'm me and you should have seen every guys face when she came on the stair case. They all practically had a heart attack because she was so pretty" I confessed wanting to ramble on more but Mark stopped me

"Lex, I'm not any guy. I have heart attacks over you because you're the pretty one to me. You always have been and always will be. You have nothing to worry about."

I took a breath and Mark pulled me into another hug. "I know I just can't help it"

"I know" he replied

We pulled apart "go kick some neuro ass" he spoke still holding my hands

"I have a craniotomy this afternoon with shepherd, you should come watch"

"I'll be there" Mark replied

I placed a kiss on his lips then let go and headed off to find Derek.

After running around the hospital like a mad woman I eventually found Derek he was looking at some scans in the x-ray lab.

"What you got there?" I asked walking up to the light box

"A tumour" he replied focusing on the image

I looked at him then back at the image and that's when I noticed it. The tumour was placed right in the middle of the brain, which would be really hard to get out without damaging other brain tissue.

Derek sighed and took the scans down "there's nothing we can do except offer her chemo and see if that will help, buy her some time."

I nodded and watched as he put the scans back into a big envelope.

I hated hearing about cases where there was nothing we could do to help. I felt terrible leaving a patient to die. But there wasn't anything we could do.

"Excited for your craniotomy this afternoon?" Derek asked sounding eager

I nodded "very excited Mark and Mer are going to come watch"

"Should be good Lex, I have to go now and do a post op check but here is the chart for your craniotomy patient" Derek handed me a chart

"Its up to you to get them ready for the surgery, I will meet you at the or 1 entrance"

"Sounds good, thank you" I replied as Derek left.

This was going to be my first big surgery I was going to do it all by myself beginning to end. I was ready. I am ready. I can do this.

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