chapter twenty two

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I was standing in the or my patient right in front of me. Derek was toward the back of the room watching and observing incase things went wrong.

There wasn't a lot of people in the viewing room. Derek only allowed Mark, Meredith and the chief to watch so I didn't get too stressed out.

I looked up and met eyes with Meredith

"You've got this Lex" she spoke through the inter com

"Relax Lex, you will be fine" Mark spoke after Meredith

They both smiled and took their seats.

I was in charge. I have got this.

Bokhee passed me the scalpel and I began to cut into the brain.

Everything was going fine, I was almost about to close. My heart began to slow down and I was less stressed.

As I tied the stitches together I felt the blood rush out of my body. I did a solo surgery all by myself. I was ecstatic.

"Well done Lexie" Derek spoke as he walked over to examine the final stitching. "I knew you had it in you, now go clean off the nurses will put the patient in the icu"

"Thank you Derek for believing in me" I replied as I headed into the wash station.

"You're my star student" he spoke back with a smile and exited the or

I entered the wash station and took off my scrubs and washed my hands with soap. Once I was done I took my hair out of the bun and proceeded out of the room and down the hallway toward the bottom of the staircase that leads to the gallery. As I approached the area I was greeted by a happy Mark and overjoyed Meredith.

"Lexie!" Meredith called "you were amazing! How did it feel?" She asked

"It felt amazing like I was unstoppable"

"You are unstoppable, did you see how good you were. There is no one that could come even close to you Lex" Mark added with a smile.

"I'm going to go see Derek but I'll catch up with you guys later" Meredith spoke pulling me into a hug "I am a very proud sister Lexie"

Those words meant a lot to me. I have always wanted Meredith to be proud of me, I have always tried to do my best for her and she was finally seeing that.

"Thank you so much Mer" I hugged her tighter then we let go and she went to Derek

"How good was I, I kicked ass today in my or. My or! That's crazy to say"

Mark laughed

"Hey don't laugh at me" I said punching his arm

Mark grabbed my arm and pulled me into his chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist.

"I'm laughing because you're cute when you are excited" he confessed placing a kiss on my lips

"And because I am very proud of you. You are the best neuro surgeon I know"

"Neuro surgeon in training" I corrected him and returned the kiss

"Great job today Lex" a voice spoke but the voice was unfamiliar

I huffed a sigh and pulled away from Mark. A disappointed look spread across his face.

When I turned around I saw a girl who I did not want to see. I don't even know how she knows my name because we have never spoken before. It was Maddison

"I'm sorry ?" I asked and she walked closer

She grabbed my hands "I just wanted to say good job for today. I heard you kicked ass at a solo surgery"

"How did you get my name?" I asked confused

That's when she lifted one of her hands and placed it on Marks shoulder.

"Well Mark might have told the entire hospital this morning" she spoke keeping eye contact with him

"You two have spoken?" I asked even more confused and kind of hurt that Mark didn't mention it but I guess he hasn't had the time to tell me.

"Yeah Mark and I work in plastics together so we see each other all the time now" she replied "I was just coming to ask Mark for a consult for this young girl".

"You couldn't ask Jackson? I mean you knew Mark was watching me this afternoon"

"Yeah I'm sure Jackson isn't busy Maddison and right now I want to celebrate with Lex" Mark spoke looking at me with a smile when he said the last bit.

"Yes, I could ask him but I'm here now so can you do it? It won't take any longer than 10 minutes" Maddison spoke

Mark looked at me for a second. I knew he wanted to say no but Maddison wouldn't go away unless she got her way.

"Just go Mark" I finally spoke

"No I can't I'm spending the afternoon with you" Mark replied

"So you're going to ignore a patient Mark?" Maddison chimed in

I gave her an evil glare

"Just go, page me when you're done I'll wait" I promised

Mark placed a light kiss on my lips and walked off with Maddison.

I hated her already. I want her gone. I have an evil feeling about her.

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