chapter thirty

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A couple of weeks have passed by and tonight Mark and I were actually going on a date! We hadn't done this for a while because we have been so busy. So, It will be nice to spend some time one on one together.

I curled my hair, put on a tiny bit of make up then changed into a blush coloured dress. Mark had told me to not dress too fancy but fancy enough because we were going out. So, I played it safe and paired the dress with a pair of matching heels.

Once I was done I exited the bathroom and sprayed a bit of perfume on myself. I then walked to the main area where Mark was waiting. I spotted him before he spotted me. He looked very hot and sophisticated in his usual tux. I walked over and as he saw me his face dropped.

"You look very beautiful Lex" he spoke looking me up and down

"You don't look too bad yourself" I replied finishing the tie on his tux "Very hot" I added and pulled him down by the tie to meet my lips. We kissed for a short moment before Mark broke it apart.

"We better get going before our reservation is cancelled"

I agreed and grabbed my purse whilst Mark grabbed his jacket and we left the apartment hand in hand. Once we left the building we got into a taxi straight away and headed to the restaurant. In the taxi there wasn't much conversation. Mark just had his arm around me as I sunk into his chest, I constantly intertwined our fingers whilst he brushed my thigh and continually kissed my forehead. We walked into the restaurant with our hands intertwined. It was much fancier than I was expecting the place to be. Our waiter walked us to our table and gave us our menus.

"This place so fancy Mark, I almost feel out of place" I spoke and took a sip of my water

"Nothing is too fancy for you Lex" Mark responded grabbing my hands from across the table and interlacing them with his "You deserve this treat" He rubbed his thumbs against my hands.

I smiled and the waiter brought us over a bottle of champagne. He poured a glass for me then a glass for Mark. "I'll be back later to take your order" He spoke. Mark and I thanked him then he left. We picked up our menus and began to browse the various food options.

I was mid browsing when Mark spoke "Lex"

"mhmm" I replied still scanning the menu clearly not concentrating

I must have forgotten that he wanted to say something because after a while I felt a foot caress my leg. I playfully caressed Mark's leg in return.

"Lex" He spoke again and this time he took my menu away

I glared my eyes jokingly and Mark smiled "Mark" I responded this time giving him my full attention.

He gazed into my eyes "You're stunning"

"And you're magnificent" I replied as the waiter came back over

Mark never broke his stare

"What can I get for you two tonight?" the waiter asked

"Um I'll just have the pesto please" I spoke as the waiter turned to Mark who was still starring. I began to get red in the cheeks knowing that this was no longer private.

"Mark" I spoke tapping his hand

He broke his stare and wrapped his hand around the hand I tapped him with.

"I'll just get the steak thanks" Mark responded and the waiter left

"You have to stop doing that" I spoke

"Doing what?" He asked and started staring again

"That, the staring"

"I can't help it, you're too beautiful not to stare"

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