chapter twenty six

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I woke up still in Marks arms. He never left me. I lifted myself up and sat on the edge of the bed and Mark followed.

"You feeling better?" He slowly asked and rubbed my leg

I shook my head "no" I spoke

There was silence for a minute.

"I'm going for a walk, just to clear my head" I spoke getting up and mark did the same

"I'll come with you" he spoke and opened the door for us

"No, I just need to be alone for a while" I replied and left the room.

I began to walk down the hallways and into the lobby. Eventually I walked out of the hospital and outside. Breathing in the fresh air and allowing myself to be drama free for a little while. I had paced around the outside of the hospital for hours just being by myself. After about the second hour I didn't feel like staying any longer, it felt draining being here and I needed a smile out on my face.

So I decided to hop into my car and drive to Meredith and Dereks house to see Zola. She was always able to cheer me up. When I reached the front porch I used my keys to get inside, I took my shoes off and placed my bag on the bag rack. I then headed into the living room and spotted Zola and the babysitter on the couch reading a book. 

"Lexie!" Zola squealed as she ran to give me a big hug

"Hey Zozo" I replied and picked her up into my arms. 

The babysitter got up off the couch and began to head out after I had paid her and told her she was okay to leave. 

"Hows my Zola doing?" I asked whilst she was still in my arms

"Great, I love that your here Lexie" She spoke 

"Me too, what should we do this afternoon?" I asked Zola as I put her back down on the ground

"Bake!" She spoke excitedly 

"We can do that" I replied.

Zola grabbed my hand and walked me to the kitchen. I started getting out the ingredients to bake a cake on Zola's request. She also requested for the icing to be bright pink with sprinkles all around it. To say we made a mess would be an understatement. There was flour all over the bench and all over Zolas face and hands. We laughed a lot. 

Once the cake was in the oven we began the clean up, Zola even offered to wash the dishes she got soap everywhere though. We laughed at that. I passed her the dirty dishes and she would scrub them and I would dry them and put them away. Once the kitchen was clean you could barley tell that there was a mess. I helped Zola down from the stood she was standing on and then proceeded to wipe her up. She complained about the wipes being too cold. 

After the kitchen was clean the cake was done in the oven, I took it out and placed it on a cooling rack on the counter.

"Now we wait for it to cool before we ice it" I spoke 

"waiting sucks" Zola commented "can we just put it in the freezer?"

I laughed "no, we can't do that Zola" 

"But we can make the icing for it" I added 

I got the ingredients out again and Zola placed them in the bowl, there was hardly any mess this time. Zola then mixed it together and added a lot of pink food colouring. By the time we had done the icing the cake was ready. I let Zola ice and decorate it and it turned out pretty good. Once it was all done we decided to wait until Meredith and Derek got home to eat it. 

Now, we were back in the living room I was sitting on the floor with Zola playing with her with her doll house. 

"I love you Zozo" I spoke 

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