chapter four

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"thanks" I smiled as Mark placed my bags with all my stuff in it on the floor.
"so what now?" He asked standing on the side of my bed
"Can I just be left alone please?" I asked softly

Meredith and Mark both looked at me and acknowledged my request leaving the room calmly and shutting the door behind them.

I watched them leave and immediately broke down into tears. I wish I never got on that stupid plane Owen hired for us. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be in this place. I wouldn't have two broken legs. My ribs wouldn't be crushed and I wouldn't be bruised so badly it hurts to breathe.

"Ahhh!!!" I screamed and cried out

I couldn't breathe. I tried taking little breathes but it wasn't working. I shifted my arms over grabbing the nurses button and pressing it multiple times and in 3 seconds nurses filled my room Meredith and Miranda both followed in after. 

I was pushed on my bed to lie down whilst I was being examined.

"Her airway is completely shut" A nurse called out

"Alright, we're going to have to put a tube down her throat," Miranda spoke rapidly

Meredith quickly passed Miranda the tube. I tried to relax because it would be less painful that way. But I couldn't breathe and began seeing white spots everywhere. The spots became bigger, eventually covering up my view. I felt like I was dying again.

That's when I fell into a deep unconscious.


My eyes blinked open slowly as I regained my vision. I was still in my hospital bed and there were heaps of monitors around me way more then what I had before I fell unconscious.

As I became more awake the taste of blood surrounded my dry throat I also felt a tube down my throat. No wonder why patients hated having a tube down their throat so much. It was literally crushing my lungs causing me so much pain.

I closed my eyes as a tear left my right eye I wanted to sob and cry harder but I was fearful that same thing might happen again.

"You're awake" I heard a familiar voice

I smiled that voice gave me butterflies

As I opened my eyes I saw my favourite person ever by my side. He looked like he had just woken up. How long was I out for?

"H-hi" I tried to talk but my voice was so croaky, shrieky and dry

"Don't talk Lex" He pulled the hair away from my face "use this"

I looked down at his hand and he handed me a whiteboard. I wanted to laugh but I couldn't so I smiled instead and took the whiteboard and marker from his hand and began writing.

'How long was I out for?' was the first thing I wrote down and he answered straight away like he was eager to talk to me.

"You were out for 2 days. We were all worried that you would never wake up, you looked dead."

I looked down for a second upset over what Mark must have gone through when I stopped breathing.

'I'm sorry' I wrote on the whiteboard

"You have nothing to be sorry for Lex, this is all normal and if you want to cry about anything I will be here to comfort you because no one knows what you're going through." Mark replied rubbing my hand "Just promise me next time you'll call me when you want to cry it out"

I nodded smiling thankfully at him and before I could write anything else Miranda and Meredith walked into the room. I left Mark's gaze and focused on the two women walking in.

"Nice to see that you're awake" Miranda spoke as she began to examine my fluid levels and monitors

I nodded and looked to Mark holding his hand then focusing back on Miranda and Meredith

"Alright, Lexie your vitals and fluids look amazing. I am just going to take a look at your tube and examine it to see if I can pull it out" Miranda says as Meredith hands her the gloves and flashlight.

I close my eyes taking in the pain that I am enduring. I squeeze Marks hand every time a sharp pain occurs which is almost always. Eventually, they are done examining me and let go of me.

"Alright, Lexie your airway looks all good nothing is clogging your airway anymore and we can take out the breathing tube," Miranda says

I smile so relievedly. I can finally breathe and slowly speak again. Though I didn't have the tube in for long it still felt like forever and the pain was unbearable. This time Meredith had her hand in my throat taking out the breathing tube. I could feel it slide up my throat and come out, the edges of my throat were burning. I took my first breath without a tube down my throat and I have never felt so happy to be able to breathe again.

"Slowly day by day you will be able to gain your voice back but until then you will need to take it easy and Dr Torres will be in soon to go through your surgery with you," Miranda said as she packed up her stuff

I nodded and watched Miranda and Meredith pack up.

"I am very proud of you Lexie" Meredith spoke smiling

I smiled back and they left my room.

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