chapter twenty nine

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"I am now attending Dr Grey" I spoke as I entered the attendings lounge in my dark blue scrubs.

Meredith was standing at the counter fixing herself a coffee. Mark was on a sofa reading the newspaper and April and Jackson were at the table.

"Welcome to the club Lex" Meredith spoke as she brought her coffee with her to the table.

I walked over and joined them taking a seat next to Meredith, Jackson and April were on the other side.

"Got much in store for today?" Meredith asked taking a sip of her coffee

"Just a couple of surgeries, easy day. How about you guys?" I replied as I slouched back into my chair

"Mark and I have this one patient" Jackson began, sitting up straight clearly interested with what he was saying "A car flipped over whilst he was in it, it caught on fire and burnt half of his face off."

"Poor thing" April responded

"How's he doing?" I asked concerned

"He's doing as best as he can" Mark spoke as he put his newspaper down and came over to our table. He stood at the end next to Jackson and Meredith

"Well thats good" I replied with a smile

Jackson checked his watch "It's time to check on him Mark"

Mark nodded and walked around to stand behind me. He pulled my ponytail back which took my head back as well. He placed a kiss on my lips.

"I am still on my break, page me when you're done" I spoke against Marks lips

"Or you could just come give a quick neuro consult" He kissed me again

"mmm" I thought about it for a second "fine" I replied

Mark smiled and grabbed my hand helping me up.

"You're going too Lex?" April asked as I got up

"Yeah Mark said she may need a neuro consult" I replied standing in front of Mark our hands still together

April pursed her lips and nodded "mhmm sure" she replied with a wink

We laughed, Jackson said goodbye to April then we walked down the hallways to the patients room. Once we reached the room Mark opened the door and walked us in.

"Afternoon Cooper, we're here to give you a final check up, see how those burns are doing then Dr Grey will give you a quick neuro check up to make sure you're okay" Mark spoke as he went to the patients burns and examined them. Jackson did the same.

"All good here Dr Sloan" Jackson commented

"Perfect" Mark replied "Dr Grey will now give you a quick neuro exam then that's it for the day"

I walked over to the patient. His burns weren't the worst that I had come across but they were still terrible. Mark and Jackson headed out of the room as I began examining him.

"How are you feeling today Cooper?" I asked checking his eyes, they were fine

"Not as bad as yesterday but still terrible" Cooper replied as I checked for any abnormal activity

"I'm sorry this happened to you. I really am"

"Thanks, I guess" He looked away

I felt so bad for the man. He was young and probably had his whole life ahead of him but now he was going to have to deal with the fact that half of his face was burnt off.

"Dr Sloan and Dr Avery are both fantastic surgeons, they will get you as close to perfection as they can" I spoke but he didn't reply

I then continued to make sure he had function in his arms and legs

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